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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. Thanks for the responses guys, although much of that link went right over my head, it seems very advanced and technical. I'll read it again tonight with wiki open in another page. As for the other questions, I'm currently running Kumho KU36s on the front, and some Hancook street tyres on the rear. The reason for this is the front tyres were gone (due to a misalignment) but the rear have plenty of tread. I'll eventually get some KU36s on the rear too. My other problem is that I recently upgraded the rear sway bar to a Whiteline one, since it was highly recommended on the Supra forum to combat understeer. Combined with the extra grippy front tyres I now suffer from massive oversteer. Is there anything I should watch out for? My understanding is understeer will be more likely to cause my rear to kick out. Would it be worth investing in stiffer swaybar up front too? The TT model ones are stiffer than the NA, but I could also get an adjustable whiteline one, and set the front to the softest setting, and stiffen the rear so as to get a good balance between under/over steer. Thanks again. P.S. Dan you should come to DECA.
  2. I've never driven my car hard, but I'm heading to Sandown with Driver Dynamics next month for my first real track experience. My question is, how do you know when your car is about to let go? I'm not going to rush out there and try anything foolish, but are there signs to look out for? I know my mate pegs his Evo around corners, cornering so hard the wheels scream like all hell. I've never done that in my Supra, but are squeeling tyres a sign you're about to lose it, or is it just normal on hard cornering? Or is it simply a matter of getting out there, and gradually getting quicker and quicker until the car finally does let go, hopefully at a sane speed you can recover from? Also, what do you do when you lose it? Slam on the brakes and start praying? I guess this is part of what Driver Dynamics will teach me on the day. Thanks.
  3. + 1 for the S2000
  4. Not a Skyline but one thing to be wary of in the Supra are cars with less then 100,000km. It's very easy to pull the digital odo off and snip the wire that lights up the first digit. So a 180,000km car will only read 80,000km. There have been many tears on the forums when a "valuable, low k" Supra suddenly clicks over to read 00,000km. Personally, unless its a real performance car (like a GTR) I assume most imports have done around 10,000ks per year, and I look for cars that match that number. I'd rather a 15yo R33 GTS(T) with 150,000 on the clock than a 15yo R33 with 70,000km on the clock. Low ks just scare me off.
  5. It's been one. I've only been to one DECA (August) and I recognize your name from facebook.
  6. KezR33

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted a gun metal gray R32 GTST (I think) with SAU stickers parked downstairs at AMC cinemas in Frankston tonight.
  7. KezR33

    Burnout Mishap

    I was on Vic Cruise Club recently and they were trying to organize a track day which I was all for. However one of the Commodore drivers said "will there be a burnout pad? Track is boring, who wants to go around in circles? Spinning on the spot bouncing off the limiter is where all the fun is to be had."
  8. Started playing it as a Soldier, was too easy. Assault rifle + all ammo types lets you mash anything and everything. Re-made as an adept on a harder difficulty and now it's tough! I can see adepts dominating late game, but currently I have to really micro my team mates, and if a big mech comes out I'm f**ked!
  9. Haha, will the old Bombodore be there? The one that had to be pushed off the skidpan twice?
  10. Both nights, two people, separate beds. Cheers Bec! Edit: For Kieran and Brad.
  11. I've got a mate coming up with me, but I can't convince him to volunteer. However I know he'll help if you guys get stuck on the day, so consider him an emergency. In the mean time I'll keep working on him. Would any skilled drivers in some of the more crazy cars be willing to give him a spin on one of their late afternoon runs (after the battles)? I'm sure that'd encourage him to volunteer.
  12. I'll try and be there. Maybe a dumb question, but an AWD dyno can do RWD as well, right?
  13. Check this out too, it's the last layout. http://sau.ferni.net/DECA/09_7Nov09/Nov09ES.pdf
  14. lol, I thought the same thing when I read that. 300 vs. Supra would be fun though.
  15. Forms in, money paid. Woop woop!
  16. Awesome stuff! When I get a decent car I'm definitely going to give drifting a go.
  17. That's what shits me. The fact that any cop can say you're "hooning", take your car and there's not a whole lot you can do about it. He's right about the "hoon" definitions too. There should be a clear, definite outline as to what a hoon is or what acts can be treated as "hooning". I also believe that the power to confiscate cars should be taken away from police and given to the courts. I don't disagree with the idea the genuine hoons should have their cars taken from them, even crushed, but I have personally experienced police abusing their power to do me in. It should be a court decision from a third persons point of view, not some angry cop taking his anger out on you.
  18. I don't know whether the "eyelids" are stock or part of the kit, but they shouldn't be there!
  19. KezR33

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted several Skylines with SAU stickers parked in Mt Eliza of all places! Guess you were coming back from that cruise.
  20. Only if you prove yourself in a night of drinking afterwards.
  21. vs. N/A Supra. We should have an NA showdown.
  22. Quick update, took the car for a bit of a spirited drive today and it handles really, really well. It feels like it wants to let go (or at least when the car felt this way prior to the changes it was going to let go), but it just grips and goes. I guess I have to relearn the car and its limits, might wait till DECA before I really start pushing it though.
  23. Ha, you're drifting your car and worried about stressing it.
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