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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. Can Chris McColgan and I be put in the same group too please? Thanks.
  2. I think I'll let the shop do it. The hard part is welding all the mandrel bent pieces, the high flow cat, varex muffler and extractors. If it was one big piece, or were connected via flanges I might consider it.
  3. Fun day guys. Was good to break into the car scene, and finally meet some of you SAU guys. Look forward to seeing you in the future.
  4. My mate is 6'7", and doesn't fit in anything. However he really wants an import. He's considering an Evo, although he'd much rather a RWD car. Soarers too he'd probably fit but 95% of them are automatics. What other options are there? Do 300xz's have roomy driver seats? Aristos? R34s seem a bit taller, would he fit in that? Cheers.
  5. Quick question about extractors. Are they difficult to install? I've just purchased some and am looking to get a full mandrel bent system right back to the muffler. Should I go to your basic fastfit mechanic, or should I hunt down a more reputable one to handle it? Cheers.
  6. Nah. I'll meet you guys between Mt Eliza and Mornington. I'll just be pulled over on the side of the HWY so keep an eye out for a yellow Supra and hit the horn when you see me.
  7. I bought UNR34L about 8 months ago as I was looking at getting an R34. Almost straight away I had a several offers of around $800-1000. I didn't take any because a) I thought I could get more, and b) I still wanted them for myself. Then the economic crisis arrived, and I ended up buying a Supra. Tried to sell them for months at $800, but no one was interested. Finally let them go recently for $600 as I was just stick of hanging onto them. Plates are tricky things to sell, I thought mine were unique, clever and would easily get $1500 (price I would've let them go at prior to buying the Supra). You have to find the right buyer, and that's hard. Especially in the current climate.
  8. The Evo7 is out, in the shop for a gearbox rebuild. But he'll still be riding shot gun with me.
  9. Hey guys, I still need a room with two beds for my mate and myself. We're willing to share or not. If not I'll call up Monday or Tuesday and organise something for ourselves. We're staying both nights. Cheers. Kieran.
  10. I think refusing to pop the bonnet is suspicious enough. You're kinda doomed either way.
  11. NAs Skylines aren't poser cars. Just because they aren't quick in a straight line doesn't mean they're as slow as a Commodore or Lancer on the track. They're great cars to learn in.
  12. Heh, I have the best. I pulled into a petrol station and the guy behind the counter asked me what kind of Ferrari I drove
  13. Hey, Paid and email sent. Any idea on what the numbers are at the moment? Think we have enough for a delivery this month? Cheers, Kieran.
  14. I'm getting DKNE extractors. I can't speak for the Coby ones (unsure if they're even made for the Supra), but the Supraforums swear by the DKNE ones.
  15. When I was driving home today I had some P plater bogan in a ute yell out "Yeee Haw" as he drove by me. I honestly think he insulted himself more with that call. Had a big shiny silver flat tray on the back that I swear didn't have a scratch on it too. I'll never understand people who buy utes with no intention of using the tray.
  16. Number 42 is missing.
  17. Don't buy from a dealer, import privately. Try and find an importer who would be willing to take your GTT as part of the payment, or dump the price and sell it privately. If you trade in at a dealership you will get hardly anything anyway. So drop the price a few grand below what other cars of similar value are going for, and it'll vanish overnight. Mine did. Finally, if you insist on buying from a dealership. Call AADA and confirm that they're a member. If they're not, they're probably dodgy. Any reputable dealership would be sure to be a member.
  18. Report them. Nothing may come of it, but he may have previous reports against him too. Besides, if you say nothing its almost giving him permission to do it again. Seriously. Report it. I got f**ked by a crooked cop, and I can only hope he doesn't do it to anyone else. They honestly have far too much power and not enough screening to earn it.
  19. My clutch is farked. Its been slipping for a while, but all of sudden its gotten a whole lot worse. I've had all sorts of advice from my mates, and have done my own research, but unfortunately I don't know much about the drivetrain and most of the advice I read was for turbo cars. The two pieces of advice I've received was: a) Get a lightened flywheel whilst you're at it. b) Get a heavy duty clutch. What I'm wondering, is a lightened flywheel really going to make that much difference on a stock NA Supra (I know it's not a Skyline, but really, there's not much difference in terms of kw per ton), do I need a heavy duty clutch, and can anyone recommend a brand or type please. Also, with the lightened flywheel, I've read all the pros and cons and my main concern is that it can often upset the cars idle. I've read stories about Supras rattling like hell on idle. Has anyone experienced this with their Skyline? I've only got a 5spd, and the only complaits I read about the rattling was on 6 spd Getrag models, but even still it has me worried. I know I'm asking a lot, but I need to get this fixed ASAP and I have tried to do research. Cheers.
  20. But was it always so aggressive? I mean, I know its a rough sport and emotions can run high, but I never remembered guys purposely thumping each other just because. I think they should be a bit stricter on unnecessary bumping, shoving and no punching whatsoever. I'm sure getting the other guy angry is viable tactic, but when you see two angry guys just going back and forth as they wait for the ball to come near them, or taking cheap shots as they go for the mark, tackle or whatever it just seems... pointless. I'm 24 years old, and I'm back at Tafe with a bunch of 17-18 year olds and I swear half of them idolise these guys. Its surprising how much influence these players can have over kids. Again, I'm not saying this is THE cause for all the violence, but it certainly can't be helping.
  21. I reckon footy is largely to blame too. I never watch football, but my mate is over and watching the Essendon v WB game. Watching it, I never realised how much pointless violence there is. The players are constantly shoving, punching and hitting each other. There was one point where about 10 players were smacking each other in the chest and arms, and what was the ref saying "Keep it below the neck, keep it below the neck!". It appears that if you get hit, and don't retaliate its like you lose face, and hitting in the other guy first gives you tough guy points.
  22. Think I'm the only NA of the potential turbo cars. There's a Commodore, MX5 and a BMW but none of those have turbo big brothers. Was hoping there'd be at least one GTS.
  23. Hey guys, my mate's considering buying an R33 GTR. However we know next to about them. Between us we've owned several R33's, but never a GTR. Is there a guide or thread somewhere (we did search) that contains information regarding some of the more common problems a GTR encounters, and how to spot them? Are the RB26's as reliable as their RB25 little brothers? I don't expect to be given the spoon, but a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  24. A set of new custom plates costs $500 from Vicroads, and these are only at $325! I would be very impressed if anyone came up with someone more original or unique from Vicroads because quite simply they've all been taken. They also hold their value incredibly well, so don't fear losing money in the long run. Take advantage of these great plates now, enjoy them for a year or two, then sell them once the economy picks up again.
  25. Eh? I fail to see how this would work. I go out to a club in the city, start drinking and get intoxicated. Now how do I get home? Stay in the club till I sober up? I'm not a big drinker, but I won't deny I don't get "intoxicated" from time to time.
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