My mate is tossing up between three different cars, but has no idea which to take.
#1. R34 GTT - Good nick, basic mods, low ks. Ugly rims.
#2. S15 - Yellow with a kit, intercooler, low ks and a huge sunroof. Excellent condition. This one is also $3,000 less than the other two.
#3. R33 GTR - Car has done a reasonable amount of ks, but is immaculate. It looks better than the two above mentioned cars despite being a '95. Has been babied by a mechanic, and is putting out a conservative 270awkw. It's insanely fast.
We're having trouble deciding. If he took the GTR it would be a weekend car, but the other two would probably end up being dailys.
So the real questions are: GTR or not? Then RB or SR?
I know these questions get asked a lot, but we're honestly really struggling to make a decisions and could use some feedback from people with experience.