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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. I'm exactly 6" in height. So I pretty much have to have the seat right back which mean it is literally pressing up against front of the rear seat. You cannot sit back there unless you sit cross legged.
  2. I disagree with the auto part. I've just started a new course and I swear 90% of my class mates didn't get their manual P's. They just don't want them anymore.
  3. That's exactly my issue. The interior is god damn hideous. Then again, Supra's are several thousand cheaper, so maybe it's worth getting one and spending a grand on a fresh interior.
  4. You guys have only made me more confused You're right though. At the end of the day though it's still an NA. It's all about comfort and looks, nothing else. In reality I'll probably just keep an eye out for both, and hopefully one day I'll just fall in love with one or grab a bargain. Thanks for the input guys.
  5. Alright, I'm aware this is probably one of the most biased forums to ask for an opinion regarding these two cars, but I'm really struggling to choose between the two. I've never actually driven either, but I've sat in both. My personal pros and cons; R34 Coupe: Pros: Newer. Nicer interior. Less K's and less chance of a lemon. It's a Skyline. I own the plates UNR34L. Cons: Can't afford a manual. Somewhat common. Will cost probably $2000-3000 more than a Supra. Can't decide whether UNR34L plates are clever and cool, or just lame (like most custom plates). Cop bait (well they both are, but more so than the Supra) Supra: Pros: Sexy exterior. One of the best looking cars (if you remove the spoiler) IMO. Cheaper. Can sell "UNR34L" plates for quite a bit to put towards it. Always wanted one. Very uncommon (especially where I live) Manuals are relatively common and cheap. Cons: Much older. Very ugly dash and interior. Much higher risk of a lemon. Less back seat room than most coupe imports. It's not a Skyline. I'm really just looking for opinions on what they're like to drive on a daily basis, or any other problems or benefits you've found. Thanks.
  6. My old car I could've probably sold for $9k if I could be bothered waiting for the right buyer. Trade in value was $3k. I sold it within 24hrs of it going on carsales for 7.5k (without RWC). If you really want to sell your car, dump the price and get rid of it. You'll still get far more than you would from a dealer. To the original poster: IF you find the right buyer, you could probably get $10k, but like someone else mentioned, no one wants 4 door Skylines. Even if they did want one, 4 door 33's may be rare, but 4 door 34's are nearly as common as the Coupe's, and still only $12,000-14,000.
  7. Dammit! Come to Victoria.
  8. So it's people who can't afford, or aren't clever enough to think up unique custom plates so they display fake ones they wished they had? How lame.
  9. Recently I've been seeing more and more number plates being displayed on the rear parcel shelf and front dash of cars. They have their first legal set where they should be on the car, then these other custom plates visible through the windows. What? Why? I'm confused. Can anyone enlighten me on the subject please?
  10. I'm confused. I heard it was a good time to import cause Japan is in the economic shitter, and that the exchange rate was better than ever.
  11. Hey guys, First and foremost, I must admit, I am a little more than tipsy. But I'm wondering, does anyone frequent Jack's on a Tuesday? For those unenlightened, let me enlight. Jack's is a small pub in Mt Eliza (between Frankston and Mornington) that literally goes insane on a Tuesday night. During summer every single Tuesday whether people have to work or not, there will be a queue hours long. It's huge. I'm going, anyone else?
  12. This one? http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=6986934
  13. Apperently I'm not much of a hoon. What's a ram raid, dori dori, touge and drive by chops?
  14. Get an S13. SR20 is ideal, but don't under estimate the CA18 either. Plus, I reckon they still look bloody good.
  15. Wow, I've seen quite a few contraptions, but yours has to be the most f**ked up that actually worked.
  16. Put it into a savings account. Wait three years. Sell your NA and buy a turbo. OR Brake/suspension upgrade.
  17. I would love a GT-FOUR R34. N/As are sluggish regardless. I want a GT-FOUR so I can dumb an N1 block in there once I'm off my P's.
  18. It varies quite a bit, I've been watching the R34 market very closely and as far as I can tell it goes like this; Low end: stock automatic sedan: $10,000-$13,000. Middle: Stock coupe automatic: $13,000-$14,000. High end: Stock coupe manual: $15,000-$16,000. R33 market I'd say would be in the range of $6,000 for your shitters to $10,000 for your late model really clean examples. This is for pretty much stock cars with only minor mods.
  19. Someone should print of a bunch of these as life size stickers, than smack them on any hotted up P plater Falcon badges they see.
  20. The only NA R33 Skyline I would pay anywhere near that much for is Eug's, or perhaps one with a sound system, kit, custom re-spray, custom interior and nice rims. Anyone who says turbos are worth less than NA's are kidding themselves. I've been scouting the market for the last 4 months and the average turbo is still at least several thousand more than the average NA.
  21. When I bought my GTS it had a fake GTR badge on the back. Only the badge was sticker, the R was smaller and the R was in gold. No kit, no wing, nothing.
  22. Saw this video today, loved the noise it made;
  23. Around mid December, had some guy look at it within 24hrs of it going up on carsales and he bought it that night. In hindsight I probably should've sold it for more, but like I said I wanted it gone, and I'm not going to lose sleep over an extra $1000 or so.
  24. http://fantasticcontraption.com/ Pretty fun little game. Post up your cooler puzzles! Here's one of mine I whipped up as an example; http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=6813414
  25. Well said.
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