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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. I would recommend the Varex exhaust for anyone. The difference in noise is amazing and the ability to go quiet when ever you want is very handy.
  2. More basic? Forza 2 is ten times harder than GT5, especially with all the assists turned off.
  3. My experience with insurance companies is they'll take any excuse to get out of paying you. Driving a car you're unlicensed to drive would be pretty big one.
  4. Wasn't that post on the main automotive forum about driving a turbo on your P's scary enough? The dude basically said if you hit anyone, anything, insurance will not cover you. Forget hitting a $30,000 - $50,000 car, what if you break someone's back in the process, can you afford the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of medical bills? You'd have to declare bankruptcy before you even turn 20, imagine have that mark on your record for the rest of your life. No thanks.
  5. I have a white '93 R33 GTS series 1 manual with sunroof. 109k on the taco. Mechanic said it's one of the best looking Skylines (mechanically) that he's seen in a long time. Not really looking to sell it, but make an offer and I'll consider it. I'm in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
  6. Mines like up at 7 when cold, then settles down to 4.
  7. Hey guys, I'm looking for some 4 stud rims that will fit my car. Anyone know some good sites to find them? Everywhere I look has 5 studs. Also, just out of curiosity, how much would a 5 stud conversion cost? Including all labor, as little sister is probably more mechanically able than I am. Thanks.
  8. +1 for the Lancers. It's the reason I'd never buy an Evo. I also hate soccer Mums in their monster 4wds.
  9. Anyone know if Westgate is down today, or a website to find out if it is? I've got to get to Geelong today, and it looks pretty windy out (although nothing on yesterday).
  10. Not that I'm agreeing or disagreeing with the law, but boost can be killer, from what I've been told anyway. At least with a dirty great thumping V8 you know what your car will do.
  11. Heh, that would be great. Organize a meet when you're suppose to pick them up. The guy would be trying to work out what the f**k that grumbling noise in the distance is when the Skyline he stole them from turns up leading 10 others.
  12. Do you have insurance? Probably too late, but call up the owner of the Hilux tell them that if they're willing to overlook the fact your brother was driving and pretend that you were, your insurance will cover both their car and yours. Then get your brother to pay out the excess and cover the difference in premium for the next five years.
  13. I live in Mount Eliza.
  14. My rev limiter is at 7000rpm, I've gone beyond 6000rpm in the past with no trouble. I don't drive hard when she's cold either, like I said the car struggles at only 3000rpm, that's about the point I normally change gears. How do you reset the ECU anyway?
  15. Leave them silver, or go gun metal gray. Very hot BTW, like Enkei RP03, only cheaper.
  16. I don't know if my ECU is stock or not. It seems there is another problem involved, it is only enhanced when the car is cold. I had the same problem a few weeks back where my muffler had imploded and we thought all the shit jammed in the muffler was restricting the airflow. Had the muffler replaced, car was running great, but now it's starting again. When totally warmed up (I took her for a long drive tonight) she starts choking at around 5-6 thousand rpm. Before I had the muffler replaced I had my mechanic look it over, I don't think he did any serious inspection, but he definitely ran tests on all the electronics and said everything was fine. I guess I'll give him a call again tomorrow. Could it be that it was my front (is that what they're called) muffler is f**ked too, and that the shit we pulled out of the rear (steel mesh) was originally from the front, and now it's just building up again? Thanks.
  17. My car really struggles in the morning. I'll start her up and head slowly down the street, and at about 3000rpm she starts stuttering. When I got to the highway I couldn't get passed about 90km (in fifth gear) before she starts struggling. It is normal to be this bad? When she's warmed up she runs great, but these cold mornings worry me.
  18. No kidding. My mate had an auto R33 GTST and that thing nearly killed him. Gears had a mind of their own. He'd be cornering normally, not thrashing, and the car would decide to go down a gear, boost kicks in and the ass flies out. Took him a while to get used to it, especially in the wet.
  19. Actually, I'll add a funny story that happened yesterday. My mate and I were out the front of my place talking (he was about to leave) when we hear this car absolutely revving its guts out maybe a street or two away. Moments after we hear the scream of tires as the car comes to a screeching halt. We continue talking, and about 10 minutes later a brand spanking new black Holden Ute with P plates comes around the corner, the front left all smashed in. Right behind it comes another P plater with about four people inside. No doubt Mr. New Ute was trying to show off his new car. Well, he certainly gave his mates a show.
  20. Get a manual, non turbo R33 coupe. 10k will get you a good one with less than 100km on the clock. Tack on $1200 a year for insurance (full comp with just car, but $3000 excess), another $200-300 for initial service and $300-400ish for rego. They're a tough engine and without the added stress from a turbo, even a trashed one will still be in pretty good nick. Car looks good, will be louder than a turbo, won't drain your wallet on fuel, you'll smoke pretty much every other P plater out there (are there laws against P platers driving turbos in NSW?) and you can spend the next 3-4 years dressing her as you please. Rims, kit, paint, whatever. After that sell it and buy your turbo whatever.
  21. Sorry, I'm sure this has been asked before but I tried to search and either came up with a million topics to sift through, or none at all. I'm looking for a site that has a range of spoilers for the R33, custom made too if possible, thanks.
  22. Not in any order. 1. Nissan GT-R 2. Evo X 3. Audi R8 4. XK Jaguar 5. Any modern Ferrari 6. Any modern Lambo 7. Porsche 911 GT2 8. Aston Martin DB9 9. Maserati Quattroporte 10. R34 GT-R with at least 500kw at all four wheels. Mostly fun cars and some exotics. Quattroporte I've heard is one of the most comfortable rides ever, my girlfriend's Dad owns a Gran Turismo, but says when he's a bit older he's definitely grabbing a Quattroporte.
  23. I love the S2000, I reckon they're a classy car with a bit of guts that would be great to drive. Even the RX8 or 350Z are pretty nice IMO. I love the Evos too, especially the Evo IX, but all the mock ups on the road would shit me. I'd probably lose my license burning past everyone I saw just to prove a point.
  24. KezR33

    Sydney P.w.n.s.

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