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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. I bet they have a similar opinion of import drivers. It's a pity there are so many dick head import drivers out there, makes the rest of us look bad.
  2. KezR33

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted a White R33 GTR with a black hood on Dandenong Road headed out of the City. I was in my mate's beat up red 300zx beside you.
  3. No kidding. I hate Course, Smilie, Dirty South etc, especially the way they only play their shit on Overdrive.
  4. Trance, dance and some rock.
  5. HSV 4 LIFE
  6. Definitely the 34. Nothing wrong with the 33 but after how many years of driving one do you want to step into the seat of yet another 33. It will be a completely different car, but most of the interior will be the same. A 34 will look and feel different and new, plus it'll look nicer to a lot of your car ignorant friends. Besides, apart from the recent R35, the R34 has been the ultimate car for so many Skyline (and other car) drivers, you'll be the envy of everyone on the road.
  7. Just my opinion dude, no need to explode. I don't find the diablo particularly attractive either, not compared to some of the other cars within a similar price range. Besides, there's no way you could ever convince me the ass end of a Zed is good looking. I keep watching ebay for someone to bring out some nice altezza lights, but so far the only ones I've seen aren't much of an improvement.
  8. $350 off ebay + postage.
  9. Get a Varex muffler. I have one and highly recommend it.
  10. Apart from all the mechanical reasons, I think they're also starting to look their age. Look awesome side on, but the head lights and tail lights look terrible. If she's got the money, definitely get a Supra instead. TT models cost as much as a 33 GTR, but the NA ones aren't too bad. Don't tell any Zed driver that though, apparently they're nemeses. Another reason not to get one is tons of dudes will follow her/harass her on the road. Especially if she has a big playboy sticker on the window, a custom plate, or any other indicator she's a chick driver.
  11. That right there is my dream car (well, not dream, but it's the next car I'm going to buy). Silver, turbo, and with a sunroof (not essential). Awesome rims too man, I'd get ones with slightly slimmer spokes, but they're still nice. Whack a front bar on that, and a GTR wing and it's perfect.
  12. Look up: Kez R I'm constantly playing COD4, seriously, my work hours are completely messed up at the moment, so I have tons of week nights to kill. Literally. I have Forza 2 too, but I suck ass at it. Also, for anyone interested in strategy based games look up "Catan" under arcade downloads. Cost 800 Microsoft points or something to download, but it's definitely worth it.
  13. Nice, can't say they don't deserve it. Also, where can I find these kill switches? Been googling them and can't even find info on how they work let alone someone who sells them. Thanks.
  14. You can get them off ebay for $350.
  15. Excuse my ignorance, but what is a fuel cut and a kill switch? Are they just switches hidden in your car that must be flicked on for the car to run? Can you buy them and install them, or is it just a custom wiring job you do yourself? Also, how much would one of these cost to install? Thanks.
  16. I don't like them. Would suit a Hummer or the like, but not a Skyline. Soon as I come off my P's I'm grabbing a Silver R33 turbo, whacking a nice kit on it, with a GTR wing and some nice 18" (maybe 19") Enkei rims. Nice and simple, gives the whole car a better look in my opinion, and doesn't just draw your eyes to the wheels.
  17. Anyone else surprised at just how damn big the GT-R was? That was a mean looking car.
  18. I really paranoid about driving with it closed. So I just take it nice and easy.
  19. Pretty sure it's the video, I haven't had a chance to get anyone else to drive it so I can hear it from the outside, but from hearing it idle and driving it sounds fine. Maybe I had the camera too close, or maybe it's just the fact it's a cheapo camera. As for the measurements, they're on the video description, but it's 4.5" tip with a 2.5" inlet.
  20. Okay here it is. It really doesn't sound that much quieter in the video, as the camera is still getting a face full of exhaust. I tried to record it from the drivers seat too and achieved much the same result. Believe me though, difference is huge, and when it's closed it doesn't sound anywhere near as lame as it does in the video. It just sounds... like every other car.
  21. Hell yes. I'll post a video later, but I'm still amazed how quiet it is when closed. It's almost too quiet, even cops that are completely ignorant when it comes to cars will wonder what's up when they pull you over.
  22. Got mine installed today, and god damn am I impressed. When fully opened it sounds pretty good in the low revs, hit 5k rpm and you wake the entire neighborhood. When it's closed it's quieter than my sister's Suzuki Swift. I preferred the ring my double barrel gave off, but I'm sure this will grow on me too.
  23. They should be f**king killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution. Man, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I would have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it. What's more chickenshit than f**king with a man's automobile? I mean, don't f**k with another man's vehicle. You don't do it. -- What a great film.
  24. Just want to make sure, but if you have a set inlet size (say 2.5") the muffler tip size only affects the noise that comes out of your car and has nothing to do with performance or any other factor, correct? This is of course assuming the the muffler tip is at least 2.5" too. Thanks.
  25. I don't like Fords or Commodores simply because they're family cars, and every second driver on the road drives one. I do like V8s however, I never met a import lover who hasn't respected the rumble of a V8. If I ever came across a twin turbo V8 Skyline...
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