Ok well better go buy your self the $500 plus factory manual with insert suppliment and learn how the hicass is adjusted, at exactly after 110kph mine makes a bit of a differant movement so i dont have to stear as much for the same turn. Quite common in japan usually done for better drifting, too give you an idea to get my tail out i only have to yank 1/4 of a turn if that let go move wheel to counter postion hold with throttle, there is also alot of other things going on that effect how your cars going such as those naughty traction sensors etc etc, have a look at the rear rack there is adjustment on rack if not get a preprogramed ecu from say mines (VX ROM) comes with matching injectors tell them you want for circuit 1 to 1.2 Bar Boost should be sufficient its direct plugin factory redone computer so every thing works as it should.
If you dont have Adjustable links coil overs(HA type) upper arms etc get some and learn to do your own wheel alignment then start making changes and adding a few more degrees till you get it right for how you want it to behave (if your rears abit unstable goto a .5 bigger rim with same size tyre and that will settle it down). Theres nothing more funny than going around the circuit behind someone better, then coming round them on said corner with a slight ass out position around them where i shouldnt be abale to do such a thing, its the hicass thats helping me by controlling my postion, because without it I coundnt pull that stunt, dont be afraid to make changes find some one with equipment or buy your own if your serious, you just need learn to understand the fundamentals of how it works and why and whats happening, i dont always get it right but thats half the fun and learn as you go, you'll get better. May I suggest going to a rally school get them to teach you their techniques, you will trace a more even driving line and your lap times will improve with time. Hope this helps..............