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Everything posted by (OO)SKYLINE(OO)

  1. Looks frigging sweet! LM GT4 look-alikes... LOL! Ah who cares, just tell ppl ya took the sticker off. I like the gold/bronze colour too. Also you got a good colour combination, Red brake calipers, Bronze rims and Black car.
  2. Yeah I got pull over in Doncaster one night, I saw the cop follow me in my rear vision mirror and I knew he was going to but i was gonna see how long it would take. Maybe should have just anticipated and pulled over before he flashed his lights. So he pulls me up did a breath test and license check and I was All Good. So I asked him, "Why do I get pull over at times?" and he said "Its your car, don't take it as a personal attack but we get a lot of complaints about hoons in the area". And he said even he, himself gets pull over in his SS when he not on duty. I can hear the little hoon F**Kers at night in their S**T buzz boxes and I hate them cuz they ruin the car enthusist rep. Plus hoons have outstanding fines and un-paid regos, so its the perfect time to bust them. F**K I hate them in their riced up lancers, civics, honda accords, commies, fords, even a friggin Pug 406 turbo diesel OOH! And the cool spot is to hang out at Maccas on Blackburn Rd in mummys BMW 318i. GTFO Ok done LOL!
  3. ^^OK, damn hope she don't have a gearbox problem...
  4. Is that on start up, like when you turn the key to initiate the car? OR does the car not even turn on? OR turns on but the shutter then switches off then all lights come on? a/t light?
  5. Whats the problem with the car?
  6. ^^ You got that meaning? A skyline is best described as the overall or partial view of a silhouette of a city's tall buildings and structures consisting of many skyscrapers in front ... - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skyline LOL
  7. I got Spitfire Coil Packs with a Di (Direct Ignition) Bridge leading from the coil pack railing to the battery in my car with NGK Platunum spark plugs. It does the job really good. If ya not running too high boost or have a soft modded car I think the OEM coil packs are fine but guess it dosen't hurt to have the aftermarket ones.
  8. What rims did you have before?
  9. LOL! The Japanese have funny sayings, but they are probley just direct translations of what they say in Japanese. eg. What is "SKYLINE"? could be a metaphor or something... Like the Skies the limit, the car shall be forever going... or something LOL! What is "SUPRA"? Could just mean its a Super car / Toyota. What is Celica (Silly Car) LOL! MITSUBISHI = Bits of Sushi... HA! Nah joking, Mitsubishi make good cars.
  10. ^^4000RPM is quite a bit. 1st time I was gettting use to my HKS twin plate, I accidentaly revved it and launched at 4000RPM and I was pushed back in my seat and cought up to the car which was about a car length ahead of me. I was like "WTF! Geez! What the Hell! Then got use to it. LOL!
  11. BNR32 KH2 - Gun Grey Metallic KG1 - Jet Silver Metallic TH1 - Dark Blue Pearl AH3 - Read Pearl Metallic 732 - Black Pearl Metallic 326 - Cristal White KL0 - Spark Silver Metallic BL0 - Greyish Blue Pearl (special order) AN0 - Wine Red
  12. YEP! They are the BBS wheels that came standard for the V-Spec's / V-Spec II's. If you look closely to the 1st pic you took, it says NISSAN on the right and BBS on the left but they changed the centre cap with the orginal R32 centre cap. Always wonder what Sparton Air was as stated on the R32 centre cap? LOL!
  13. Girl from work is bugging me about finding out tickets. I saw the tickets for the 3rd show and checked up on the ticketmaster website (They look avalible, if not, a "SOLD-OUT" will be writen next to it) but they can seem to find it AND its their own web site... WTF??? Then she called Ticket master and the person on the other side said "It might be sold out..." WTF.
  14. ^^HAHA!! Let the bashing begin!!! ...... Yeah we could put the R34 GTR up against it if not R35 GTR
  15. GTR's will get that. The car is alittle heavy for what it is OR can be a bit lighter. Basicaly you feel the car getting "bogged". Getting a good launch = rev the car to about 4000rpm + to get the turbos spolling and engage the clutch. Lightweighted flywheel will help alot and twin clutch plate but I will go single Extra heavy duty.
  16. So Barbarian, this OVER BOOST feature is basicaly an inbuilt Boost controller? And the Anti Lag system... Is it similar to a "Stall conveter" where you start revving the engine getting the turbo winded up then engage the clutch for a launch in result = an anti lag system?
  17. A PROVEN strategy of how to GET OUT of paing fines. Web: www.aussiespeedingfines.com Email: [email protected] Have a read and see how you go.
  18. Hey SkyKC! Im sure an exhaust place can custom make one like what R34GTFOUR said. They can work out what size cat you need too. They will know the exact size and you can buy just the muffler (The ones you see at Autobarn / Autopro) probley cost less than $200 and get them to weld it on but make sure the In Pipe is 2.25" / 2.5" to match ya exhaust pipe of what ever size you choose but you can have like a 4.5" outlet for the noise.
  19. Looks like a street tune exhaust. Probley sell it for about $300+ at a guess.
  20. ^^Reds a great colour. My favorite Brembo Colour with the white writing. VERY NICE Granthem! looks sweet. Maybe a nice subtle bodykit to top it off will look nice too.
  21. Ah ok Norway LOL! You ppl should have pretty good fuel so thats not a problem. I'll have to clarify with my mechanic, could might be an ingnition thing too...? Check the alternator... GTS-T only have 1 O2 sensor from memory, it checks the air/fuel ratio, so the car doesnt not run too lean or too rich. Quote "When the car is warm it could take up to 20 sec to get it started, and if let of the accelerator, it will stop" Ok saw my mechanic, from my understranding, ckeck all the the regualr stuff, fuel fillter, fuel injectors, fuel raling, spark plugs, alternator... Should be all good. Then go back to the ECU, if it is saying knock and temp sensors are coming up with errors then thats the starting point = check it out and change both sensors, which I think you said you have done. Reason for the car having trouble starting up after warmed up is becuz the temp sensor cannot tell / make a reading of how hot the engine is, therefor does not know how much fuel to pump, therefor you having to push your accelerator down to pump the fuel, which leading to your spark plugs getting smutty / flooded. If you have changed both temp sensors, go back to the fuel injectors, are they leaking / clogged? If ya done all that and still no good let me know and I ask what else might be the problem... See how you go.
  22. Becuz your car is NA, 3" is too big and you are loosing Back Pressure in the exhaust system. Right now its just a fart can all show / no go. Take it back down to 2.25" or 2.5" but aftermarket if you want the noise and better flow.
  23. Black smoke is usualy a fuel thing... Check the usual things like fuel fillter, fuel injectors, injector raling, oxygen sensor, take a look at spark plugs... Knock sensor... What type of fuel you running? The car should be tuned for AUS spec fuel when it get to AUS... Skylines can do that, like starting the car up after getting warm, takes a few more seconds whilst turning the key to get it started. My mechanic told me its a fueling thing, but didn'd give me the whole story. Its normal but you having a heavy puff of smoke, I'd get it checked out.
  24. Take it to Le Mans Automotive in Templestowe. Shanes my mechanic there and he owns the place, he rebuilt my diff and its friggin sweet! Get him to check it out and he will figure out whats wrong with it. 15 Websters Road Templestowe, VIC, 3106 Telephone: 03 9846 2761
  25. ^^The previous owner must have had an aftermarket TV Screen installed and would have removed it when they were selling the car. Just goto Autobarn / Autopro / car audio place and buy antoher screen and re-fit it.
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