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About Juz

  • Birthday 20/08/1993

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  • Interests
    Drifiting,Nissan Skylines,Cooking.

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    Nissan R33
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  1. Yeah too easy guys will talk to dad on the weekend and get back to you all.
  2. So Send me a few dates, We will then settle on a date, then we can go from there... maybe a meet and greet/show and shine with a tour of the factory and then a sausage sizzle, maybe a few photos of the cars in the brewery main area with the big tanks in the background etc, just let me know as i cant orginise this atm work is to full on but ill be more then happy to communicate and confirm dates for both partys. Also an estimate of people would be good so I can try and Orginise enouph sausages.
  3. Guess whos back, back again... sorry guys been having lots of technical issues but now have acsess to the net with the help of my girlfriend lets get this ball rolling, tell me the dates you want can orginise it with dad for a saturday or sunday after august but not in october as ill be in japan.. Tell me a date and how many people, and ill get dad to open the gates and do a tour for us on the sat or sunday of your choice if he is aviailable.. Ill do a sausage sizzle on the day.
  4. Thanks for the patience guys, This definatly will be going ahead in 2013!! Stay Tuned!
  5. Guys I will be orginising this for may next year. We have ben to busy at the brewery lately with tv filming etc, will keep everyone updated please sit tight
  6. Hey buddy, I'm a Second year green P plater with no insurance claims or loss of licence, I Pay $94 dollers a month for third party with NRMA, I also have 2 Years roadside assistance membership and Do my Greenslip with them. I Use to pay $185 per month with JUST CARS for full comprehensiveI, don't see the point now on a car only worth 8k.
  7. Haha Why didn't I go to my own pie shop cruise? I was there lolz. Thankyou Gen. And Matt leave my carbon wrapped boot and bonnet alone, its better then having shitty paint and cheaper then a respray.
  8. Don't stress guys forcast is mostly sunny, and 22 degrees.
  9. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?hl=en&q=casula+home+mega+centre+kfc&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1280&bih=685&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
  10. Cnr Beach Rd & Parkers Farm Place, Casula NSW 2170
  11. I'd love too, but I also enjoy the once every so often and then have a massive turn out.
  12. Meet Car Park 9:15 Am Onwards, DRIVERS BRIEFING AT 9:45 AM! 10AM SHARP DEPARTURE TO ROBERTSON PIE SHOP VIA, HUME HIGHWAY-PICTON ROAD- MT KEIRA PASS- EXPRESSWAY TO ALBION PARK SCHOOL - MAQAURIE PASS- PIE SHOP- EITHER GO HOME OR DO JAMBEROO PASS. Bring, Fuel, Safe Driving, freinds, Camera.. Money for Pies and other foods once we arrive. Follow the White R33 (Mine) And the Purple GTR (Owen) We Will Be Leading the cruise and sticking to the speed limits at all times, make it a nice cruise with each other no need for speed, just enjoy the roads and the company.
  13. leave time 10 A.M or is that to early for everyone?
  14. ok so who's coming to the KFC carpark meet?
  15. I'm not a Pussy, I'd just rather post pone it so that Everyone can enjoy each others cars, in the nice sun like we normally get when we go up there as a club, But if this recent weather reflects on what it's going to be! All lights are green!
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