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    nissan skyline R33
  • Real Name
    Abdul Murad

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  1. Cruise in late NOV sounds good, hopefully my car would be boosted up with a bit of work done. NOR coast run sounds good too theres nice scenery n good routes. Id be in
  2. Just remembered that theres drift prac at barbagello that night. Most ppl would prolly be goin there. Good idea to do tha cruise on sat night. peace
  3. Where's ot heading north or south? cheers
  4. Watever man. Is there a cruise or not? Either give us some details or dont worry bout it
  5. Why would it cost me????
  6. ahahahah sounds like fun.
  7. Anything on tonight? If so please let us know
  8. The price at the pumps has nothgin to do with the aussie dollar being cheap or expensive. There is currently a crude oil surplus in the world which means that a Litre should not exceed $1.20 max. The reason behind high prices is government taxes. Aussie and US governments charge like $0.90 tax per Litre and regardless of the barrel price of crude oil, the price at the pump will not go down unless greedy governments stop charging rediculous taxes. There you have it....
  9. I was wondering if there are any cruises on tonight? if any one knows of any cruises or any fun car-related events for that metter, post up and let us know. cheers
  10. abd_33

    Kalamunda Cruise

    Im in for a cruise but meet point is way too far for me. Plus the timing is kinda coz its gonna be rush hour but ill see. Might come
  11. Why so late? Whats the map gonna be like?
  12. What car is tha organizer driving so we know who te get maps off?
  13. yeah count me in. Whats tha map gonna be like? north? south?
  14. It seems that a lot of people are going to tha Go-Kart event so why not make it on the saturday night man?
  15. abd_33

    Sunday Cruise?

    Hello Nice weather for a cruise today. Is there anything on? cheers
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