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Everything posted by olloSKYLINEollo

  1. Been for a putter myself
  2. No such thing
  3. Haha dude even if I was tipping I wouldn't of picked them. I am out at the hockey club watching the girlfriend play
  4. What's been going on everyone?
  5. Don't do it, I thought the same thing 2 years ago when it was not the abomination it is today (And NIck I believe I was the first to call it an abomination) and I haven't been able to get rid of him ever since
  6. It's beer o'clock here at work and there is no beer, the boss has an uprising on his hands very soon if the situation doesn't fix itself soon haha
  7. You just buy shit parts
  8. In which town?
  9. Because you got him to sign up as a member that's why Morning whores
  10. Must of been a bit of oil on the road
  11. Is an awesome day, was an awesome run down blanchview too
  12. Beautiful day out. Might consider getting the vspec out for a little drive
  13. You have my whip at your place remember
  14. Good luck Tom, you will need it. Just a FYI there is a cricket bat next to my bed for a reason
  15. If he can get near my car and actually get the seats out without me knowing he would deserve the money
  16. I just awoke from a nap myself
  17. Rear seats maybe but the drivers seat nah, need it in there for the very rare occasions that I actually get my car out of the shed for a drive
  18. I do but they are fitted to my car haha
  19. Because you have never asked what it is!
  20. Calling me a window licker? Are you serious! If anyone here is a window licker on the short bus its you. Would make more sense as to why you did what you did. If you really want to know sext me and I may tell you
  21. Mum said if you want the 32 you are going to have to fight her for it
  22. No, there was no baby. Even if there was its my body and my choice haha. It is good news but still is not the time to say on here, might tell you in a text message if I feel like it haha
  23. Where the hell is Clint?
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