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Everything posted by R34Liner

  1. saw so many skylines today it was ridiculous.........ly awesome
  2. yea i agree with runnin4life, things never ever go to plan with these things, best pay someone else to deal with the problems - good luck with whatever you decide to do though
  3. My car is dent free but my mums 4WD is a diff story, im in
  4. It's N/A
  5. Thanx heaps for this info mate - i trust your judgment with referring this guy, the worst thing about security systems installations is taking it to some guy who installs your security system who in the mean while takes down all your info and then in a couple of weeks your car is stolen easier then a grandmas purse! my mechanic has told me some really horror stories! i he reasonably priced?
  6. Cant see you spending any less then 3.5k-4k I'm afraid, good boxes - 1500 to fix the box!! dayum, im sure you could fork out another 500 and get a whole new box with less KM's! - someone with more experience in this department please correct me on my numbers etc if needed! Keep us posted man
  7. presuming you meant criticism? and i wasn't criticising or poking fun at you man, chillax Good luck with fixing your gearbox if it turns out to be 2 expensive to fix the current box, why not get a R34 GTR box, or would that be well out of your budget?
  8. you broke the unbreakable gearbox!! good job man
  9. you could baffle it whilst your down there if you do track?
  10. Damn i missed you! - i was coming back from work man, i was so tiered i probly wouldn't have even noticed if i got pulled over
  11. Back from where? - and i remember when you had a thread up about this ages ago!! its been so long, whats taken so long to sell/part the car?
  12. As wrong as it is to take the law into your own hands....slipping the name to the cops does shit all unless you can slip them a firm case with evidence and witnesses etc (basically do their job for them) - I'm sure you know a friends who knows a guy who knows a bikey gang just tell em they have been knocking of harlys and they will be all over em but keep us posted man!
  13. haha thats sweet!! - what power is that putting down???? o and i spotted a R33 today on Windsor road, gave him the Thumbs up - i was in the R34 with the green p plates
  14. Thanx for this man
  15. What's under the bonnet Duncan?
  16. +1 on the hydro-lock If you put it in the wrong place and you hit a puddle or in my case your in a flooded car park you will root your engine http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/St...p;hl=hydro+lock go to the last few posts to see all the damage, photos and everything. Be Careful!! - in saying that i put mine in a very stupid spot, it was cold for sure but too exposed to water and to low too the ground - as far as performance, meh i didnt notice much, get someone who has done a dyno run before and after.
  17. With that said - How much would you selling a manual conversion kit for? soooo manual cluster, manual gear stick surround, pedals, (apparently you need the tail shaft or something aswell?) clutch etc etc? and obviously the gearbox
  18. well it really depends mate, does your n/a have a BOV, because if you don't you need to get one in there asap!!
  19. Studying for uni exams and also i have a pool and a pool house (entertainment room etc) so all my mates come to me don't need to go anywhere lol - what are you going to do with your 33 now that you have the Maserati?
  20. Yea, it was overly Hollywood for me :| but my taste in movies is very critical, so yes ask others what they thought before you spend the moneys... i spotted a skyline today, it was rad
  21. Hay i cant leave my spotting buddy hanging
  22. will stock RB25DE coils work?
  23. I think its an N/A mate - Hence why its in the N/A section and why under car's its says R33 N/A but 1+ on the stop running it..... get someone to look at it, its very hard to tell whats going on with that vid audio quality
  24. yay, i watched 2012, it was okish
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