Terry, not sure if you have facebook but seeing how you know Kristian at Iron Chef you might already know about this one he saw at auction.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=565744446828132&set=a.139701442765770.28042.109130862489495&type=1&theater "an R33 GT-R V-Spec N1! Only 100 or so ever built, so becoming very rare and collectible. Interestingly, this has many of the N1 features removed, so it has white mirrors, tinted windows and S3 projector headlights. 40,000km with books is always a winner though. Don't expect much under $35K landed and complied. If you've lusted after an N1, get on to us quick - we're the N1 specialists! Haven't seen one in at least 6 months at auction."