Brand new Excedy Heavy Duty clutch $350
18" (x7.5"??) TE37 replica wheels with 2 tyres. 600 (some gutter rash however the silly vork ravs sticks are long gone... youre welcome )
Standard suspension. Must have for clearing defects. $200
Standard intake manifold $100 \
>$150 for the 2 together
RB25 factory Throttle Body $100 /
2 x AC fans (one tidily modified for greddy intercooler) $100ea
RB25 AFM (may have 2 but ill have to check) $80
Hicas unit $70
2 x RB Starter Motor $100ea
Clutch Master Cylinder $35
Cooling Pro return style intercooler $150
Can repolish to a high standard for another $75
Can run custom pipework to suit on request however note you will be paying for exceptional quality