by the way things are going i mite be selling my C210 ,
80K with log books but heck knows if the KM are real
shes alright drives smooth as in engine / trans wise /
all she needs done is new tie rod and unbend a rear suspension arm but you mite as well just buy one
reason for selling , don't have the cash to fix it
i would be looking at about $1500 , but any $800 or whatever cash offer would do
pics can be found in the classic section
this is just out of interest if i cant get a job with in the next few weeks.
i bought the car for 2.5K but a few strings of unfortunate events have f*ked it up sigh , i love the car if it wasn't for the rear suspension arm and front tie rod i would never have the thought of selling it
by the way as i stated just out of interest