I know all of us are sick of the RTA but today I've just had enough of them.
Yesterday I called their "helpline" and was forced to wait for 10 minutes before I got to speak to a real person. I literally said half a sentence before the bitch promptly told me I was calling the wrong thing and put me to another press a button option bullsh*t. Wait another frikkin 10 minutes and the same thing, only this time the kind lady put me in the right queue!
When I got through, I got the info I needed and was mildly happy. I took me 30 minutes on the phone to find out that I need to present ID and my cars rego papers to have their number plates swapped...oh and the $50 revenue, oh I mean processing fee.
Today. I went to the RTA at Macquarie Centre during my lunch break. I wait about 25 minutes to be served (3 people attending and about 3 people standing around doing nothing). When I get there and present my rego papers the frikkin bitch told me that I need to present my frikkin plates! what. the. fruck?! She then pulled out the "we're sorry" bullsh*t... Seriously I'm so fed up with the RTA. Firstly they charge us a mortgage to get our cars registered and they can't even provide adequate amounts of staff and service...