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Everything posted by CRoNic...

  1. ...sigh. Ever heard of cops defecting cars that are parked with the owner no where to be seen? It happens.
  2. I'm not a hoon and neither am I representing SAU in a bad form?
  3. Cops are trained on attitude, etc but most wouldn't have a clue what to look for to find if somethings hidden. Some cops wouldn't even know what a boost controller soleniod looks like, but others will. It's the luck of the draw. The cop who defected my old 323 didn't have a clue (a boost gauge is not a rev tacho). Don't make your car stand out like a sore thumb. If you modify your car in a smart way (eg. spraying your front mount black), then you can get away with basic defectable modifications, as in this thread, the guy got away with a top mount turbo because his engine bay didn't have a sea of chrome. But he did get done for other issues.
  4. How many times have you heard people telling cops that their Turbo Timer was a "Climate Controller for their Air Conditioner" There's stories galore of this kind of stuff.
  5. I'm still cautious!
  6. So I'm setting a bad example for the modified community? Since when is SAU or any car forum a role model? You wont get off a defect for being honest to a cop. A cop wont say "Well, for your honesty, I'll just peel off this yellow sticker off your windshield." At no point have I either suggested to 'lie' your way out of a defect. It's what I did at that certain time and I was explaining my story.
  7. That second pic looks awesome! P.S. block out your number plates! Cops can mail you a defect letter! It's happend many times on ns.com... just some advice...
  8. Lock your glovebox and claim you lost the key for it! A cop once accused me of lying when he said to me my boost gauge was a "rev tacho" and I said "That's a boost gauge" and he said "You better not be lying to me". And to be honest, I got pulled over in my old 323 once which had a B6T engine conversion. The cop said "Do you have a blow-off valve under that bonnet?" and I said "No officer" and he said "Okay. Have a good night" and left... but I infact did have one but it's sprayed Black and under a heap of piping, so he wouldn't of found it. If you can lie your way out of a defect, why not? Sure, it's being dishonest and all... but if it saves you a defect, then why not? *waits for the flaming to begin*
  9. Spotted a 32 GTS-t at Macca's carpark at Noarlunga on Saturday night. Had a GTR badge yet it was clearly a GTS... sigh Spotted a black 32 GTR going down South road near junk food corner on Sunday. Gave a wave and got a wave back!
  10. Very, very nice, Kristian! I think we all demand to see that beast in the 'flesh' next AJD!! Looks stunning.
  11. Tuned by Boostworx? Same here mate. When I first got the GTR tuned by Shaun and took it home, it felt so much better. Alot more responsive!!
  12. Anyone going to the Bull and Bear for lunch today? Me and the team are having a "Team Bonding Lunch" there in... 3 minutes! Team Bonding meaning... getting smashed at 12:30pm.
  13. No worries mate.
  14. Spotted 2 31's last night. One at the South Road/Southern Expressway entry bit at the lights. Had a bunch of guys in it. They gave it a bit of a rev at the lights next to me. And another one at the car park @ Marion. Had the Panda look (black bonnet, white everything else). Gave me a nod as he was leaving and then tried to get sideways at the exit of the carpark but failed. Man, that's hektik.
  15. Spotted that FPV down the bay a few weeks ago!
  16. I like chips and chocolate... but not mixed together, sir!
  17. This thread actually makes no sense?!
  18. Should be there. PM the meet details please?
  19. Ah Woody college! Do you know a Michael Robbins? Ah that school is hektik with all the kids selling drugs and stuff (so I've heard!)
  20. Desktop Support (IT Guy) at a very large water company in SA... What school do you go to Charmaine?
  21. work tis boring. You know, cause looking at import car sites all day is hard and all
  22. Lol so, so true. Same with ns.com
  23. Who's the user that owns that Silver Stagea that drives past South Adelaide footy club/Noarlunga train station every morning at 7:30am? I see that car 5 days a week! Sounds awesome, though. I know it's a user on here, I just can't remember which one!
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