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Everything posted by CRoNic...

  1. Lol that's hilarious. Yeah I'm only 20, but have grown up near the beach. My mates have burst a few tyres on the beach, and I bogged a 323 there once, oh and a few of my mates got pulled over by the cops when leaving the beach as now the residents around the beach have joined some anti-beach-hooning group! And there's alot more police patrols cruising the area now, too.
  2. Talking about thrashing, anyone got any Moana beach stories to share? All you southerners will know what I'm talking about! The beach where people can legally drive on 24/7!! Hooray to the 3am Cressida thrashings on the beach! Bogged it twice Last year a drunk 16 year old girl on her L's rolled her car on the beach! They left it there and the tide took it.
  3. +1 for that dancing banana!! man that thing is awesome oh yeah... and +2 for the hoodies haha
  4. Haha that's crazy. Did you hear about the 32 GTR test drive in Qld or NSW? It was someone off here I think... they let this dude take it for a spin, it was massively modded but the test driver booted it down some freeway in 3rd, clipped the curb and rolled it. How would that go down in insurance!! Hmmm...
  5. Hope no one reads my post on ns.com bagging the 'salon Haha but yeah, I'll be there... to see the Commo's with tan leather, 6 LCD's in the roof + dash + engine bay and the 22" spinner rims... But I'll be there purely for the dyno and to check out the 'tasefully' modded cars (eg. Damo's )
  6. That's exactly the issue I had. Shaun was saying how alot of the 32 GTR's are doing this now with the stock injectors. I had 2 leaking, though and the others were on their way to that point. You get a bad fuel smell, too. Everywhere I took it, people would say "you've been giving this one a flogging!! I can smell the fuel still!" haha
  7. Spotted a silver R34 GT-T going through Grenfell st. Looked like Kirstian's old 34... had gold rims, massive front mount, etc. Numberplate XJ...
  8. Bingo. It clicks now Cheers!
  9. I'm still confused haha... By default, what colour will the hoodies be? What I was asking was, if no one specifies a colour, will their hoodie be black?
  10. Wait... ...what? So only the people who ordered light blue hoodies will get black hooides?!
  11. Haha yeah I know, my mechanic told me that he could get a full set for that + a tune! But I need a ECU which isn't on the cards at the moment. But it really is the going price for the genuine injectors. I rang up Nissan, and they told me $360 each. Apparently the GTR injectors are becoming more sought-after now due to the fact that most of the older model GTR's injectors are begining to leak. But, 6 new injectors later, the GTR's running alot better and no more fuel smell!
  12. P.S. http://streetviewgallery.corank.com/ Got some good google street view sightings on there!
  13. Forum Definition: Online place where people go to share their misfortunes and to then be tormented by other fellow forum users.
  14. Check the TTP car park and Main North Road or North East Road!! hahaha to the google-maps-mobile!!
  15. Wait... unless specified, all hoodies and jackets will be in Black?
  16. I paid $330 for a genuine GTR injector from Japan! I needed 6! Ended up costing me like $2200... I could have bought a Hyundai Excel for that haha
  17. So you finally got a manual coversion?! Nice!! Ben and myself will have to pop past one time to check it out. My mate just had a manual conversion done @ Z cars on his Nissan Leopard... cost him $4400!! Oh and spotted a black 33 4 door pulling into the noarlunga train station carpark - plates: msr-334... sounded very nice.
  18. I think my heart stopped for a second while I scrolled down!!
  19. Go into Google Street View and check out Boostworx (boothby st) Who owns the crazy baby blue S13 sitting out front?
  20. Ahhhh I love google street view!! It was taken back earlier this year, as I found my GTR in my driveway with no plates! That google street view is awesome!
  21. Ah yes, my mate got done for speeding, then driving while on the phone... then got done 4 times for driving without a license. It's weird how cops wll say to you "we'll send you out a fine in the mail" but it takes literally 8 months until you get it! Mean while you've forgotten all about it!! I hope you weren't on a RCK club cruise Nice 33, though.
  22. Injector tick is normal - my RB26 ticks like crazy. A new genuine fuel injector costs $330 though... injector clean should be quite cheap as they are simple to get to, etc.
  23. Lol
  24. Lol yeah, can't wait to wear mine! I'll represent everywhere I go!
  25. Excellent - they look great... I can't say the same about that 14 year old modelling the hoodie, though Designs as per below: Jacket: Hoodie: Cheers
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