Hey everyone,
Can someone confirm the indicator on their side guard is like a tear-drop shape? I smashed mine up, so I went around to Sprint auto-parts, Motoquipe and even Autobahn but they all have no clue to where I can get a new one! Sprint told me to "flog one off another GTR"... after he said that, I walked out. Autobahn didn't have a clue where to order them from, and Motoquipe had no idea either.
All I need is a amber-coloured side indicator lens. Not the indicator next to the headlight, but the one on the side which is fitted in compliance.
I doubt it's a Nissan-genuine part, but someone said it could be a VS commodore side blinker? I have the product code of it (M2581 2).
Would a place like Nisswreck have them? I don't want the clear ones.