Haha during the day we just chilled on the balcony really or went to a cafe. We had quite a few mates in Melbourne, so we were literally hotel-hopping for most of the day.
Yeah Revolver are very strict. For each guy, you need a real decent looking girl! But other clubs are pretty easy going I've found... one place even let guys wearing thongs in!
Oh, some of the girls are pretty snobby. The fashion for guys over there is so so SO different to what we have over here, so in some places you feel and look really out of place. People will look you up and down, etc. I met a few girls over there just by randomly talking to them or they'll come up to me to ask for a light or something and then just get chatting from there. The majority of them are friendly. But everything is more classy over there and people generally have more money. They have alot of the Gucci, Prada, etc stores there... we barely have a G-Star shop.
Some of the clubs, the guys are real f**k nuts, but you get that everywhere. Alot of clubs over there are run by club members (bikies) so you have to be careful what you say/do!
But it's a very different scene over there. The drug culture is widely accepted over there... as you'll see about 90% of the people in the clubs are just holding water bottles haha! But that's because one certain drug is basically an epidemic at the moment, cos you always hear about it on the news. Just read about Trance Energy and why they're never ever holding that festival in Melbourne/Australia again.