They have this in all other states, so they were bound to bring it here.
I'd like to thank The Advertiser for their stereotypical 'hoon' view they've pushed across in every article they can fit the word into. I'd also like to thank this lovely lady, Lainie Anderson, for her lovely 'Wankers on Wheels' story about hills driving the other day in the paper *Read it here:,00.html
What I would like to see is these people who come up with these P plate laws, attempt to live a normal life while owning a imported Japanese car, and to modify it in a correct way and attempt to drive through a few RBT's in town with P plates up.
1. P platers, do too, have lives and friends. But now they can kiss goodbye getting more than 1 of their friends into the car to go see a movie. Hello, Mr. Public Transport!
2. P platers, do too, have friends who go out to town... drink... and require a ride home at 3am. But nope, Hello, Mr. Taxi!
3. How about Turbo Diesel 4WD's? Are they counted as high performance cars since they have a turbo?!
This all comes about due to endless 'hoon' media coverage not to mention the large amount of rubbish comments I see on on any news article that has the word import in it (Eg. Ben from Pooraka says: Ban the driver for LIFE! Imports MUST be FORBIDDEN).
But yes, I can see why they've brought this in. It's the small minority of dickheads out there who think piling 9 people into a VN Commodore and then ripping up the handbrake on a wet road would be awesome, that ruin it for the sensible P plate drivers.
It was bound to happen. That's my rant for the evening. Goodnight.
Edit: Ah! That news article link isn't working... try this one: News Article