Yesterday, Wine red 33 (stock body) with a Canon going past me opposite Quix down Noarlunga at about 6pm. If you're on here mate, it's pointless overtaking me in a 60 zone and then going at stupid speeds past me yet having to slam on your brakes about 15 metres later to slow down for a ute in front of you as it's a merging lane, which then goes around a roundabout. You ended up proving nothing, getting no where (except in front of me) and if you're trying to match your penis size with the size of the Canon on your car, not cool. You even had a kid in the back while you're doing this shit. It's people like you who give a bad rep to Skyline drivers. I was driving the Corolla at the time. Pathetic, mate.
Yesterday a Bayside blue 34 GTR with Black rims giving it a bit of a squirt down North tce. Didn't even sound like it had turbo?!
Today spotted a white 33 with a GTR bodykit going down West Tce and a silver stock 33 going down North Tce just past HQ.