Yesterday was epic. Really enjoyed the route we took and catching up and meeting some new people. I think the only part I didn't like was Bulli Pass. Very tedious bit of road going up and getting back onto the Princess Hwy.
Never been down Kangaroo Valley Rd before and loved it. Was a pity alot couldn't stay by the time we got to Berry, but understandable if you're a fair way from Sydney and wanted to get back.
Good chat with Terry, Matt (God_speed), Sean, Genelle, Stephen, Matt (MBS206), and Owen
I really wanted to run those assholes off the dirtbike just before Mac Pass. Unregistered + no Helmets + speeding in opposite lane, they were asking for it.
Everyone who took photos, they all look gorgeous! Brian, what camera + lens were you using? Photos turned out very crisp
Thanks Matt for organising it all