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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. My amp is missing the little metal plates and screws that hold the cables in, no one has spares laying around do they? Need them to finish. Or if you have the complete and and screws, i could be interested. These:
  2. spotted in Salisbury, 545ish: - black 34, standard, stopped at the train crossing - grey 33, silver spokey rims, driven by a female - marrone, wHine red 33, avs pearl white rims with nismo sticker on rear winda.
  3. Damo_R34


    Steve Malaxos and Tom Koutsantonis will be both looking for jobs soon i think. The media reports these "horrific pranks" etc., which is providing your everyday Australian with many many lols
  4. If you have bought a dodgy product, and have gone out of your own way to fix it and make it better, i dont see why Dave can't sell it for at least the same price as he paid for it.
  5. Damo_R34


    yeah, sometimes the internet isnt the best way to act sarcastic tho.
  6. Damo_R34


    this thread will be locked if we slag off on each other for the teams we support, lets not go down that road.
  7. Damo_R34


    Geez, Bombers paying $2.85 to beat Collingwood... decent odds.
  8. SLED even has Tom Koutsantonis in the bottom draw of his tool chest.
  9. he may have been ok with it 2 years ago, but maybe not now.
  10. Thanks Luke! Sounds like im pretty much in the same boat as you, bar me actually having an IT job, i just do random IT stuff at work because the helpdesk is located in Syd.
  11. Toyota Lexcen bears no similarities to a particular commodore, i swear
  12. Damo_R34


    as much as Gil is all over the place sometimes, bloke can take a good pack mark up forward, seems to have sorted some of his kicking issues out too. Hes a big lad too, good base to start building some muscle, dont see why he wont get regular games int he future.
  13. Id rather learn the basics first so i can grasp the concepts. The field of IT is where i wanna go, but i dont know in which particular direction.
  14. Damo_R34


    Wasn't impressed with the captain getting suspended, don't see that very often.
  15. just submitted my TAFE application, Cert III Info Tech: Network Admin. Ill prob go onto Cert IV after, maybe in programming or Websites/Multimedia
  16. Rann has to show faith in his ministers, no weaknesses!
  17. Damo_R34


    yeah agreed, we finally have a couple of blokes who can take a grab in the forward 50, Tippet being one, but no-one to deliver. Goodwin needs to take charge of that role, he can kick a mean bomb. We weren't ever going to beat Geelong, and it was a fairly gallant effort to keep up for a bit, but we lack a bit of big game experience i think, another downside of having youngsters.
  18. good son of rajab...
  19. Dave car is not a Silvia
  20. picsorban
  21. cars are a liability, not an asset
  22. No i swear man, i really thought it was you, it sounded like your voice but Tom Jonesified. Oh well, mistaken
  23. in the latest HPI theres an article on an R33 gtr, and i quote "with a figure of 530hp at the fours, second gear and an input shaft from an OS-Giken cross-set were smashed to pieces"
  24. That 206kw is at the flywheel too, so subtract a bit for rwkw. Mine has pretty much the exact mods that Kralster mentions and makes just over 200, to go any more you really need a bigger turbo or highflow.
  25. Damo_R34


    Yeh i agree, the troubles at Richmond go much deeper than just the coach, he can only tell them how to play, if they don't play to their plans, which im thinking they aren't, it isn't the coaches fault. And you can ask Wallace, he isn't about to start slagging off on his own team. Be interesting to see, when he does leave, what he has to say about the whole club in general. Freo, Melbourne and Richmond seem to be the ones consistently struggling, Richmond seems to win whenever Richo is in a good mood, Melbourne need all their stars to fire to be able to beat the middle-of-the-table teams, and Freo rely heavily on the Pavellator. Port are in good form at the moment, Warren Gary playing like he hasn't played in ages, apparently his knees are cherry ripe. Give Adelaide a couple of years, it seems we have finally learnt how to recruit for once, and picked up/introduced finally some youngsters with genuine ability, Petrenko, Walker and Dangerfield.
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