SAUVIC: "Membership of the Club shall be open to any person having an interest in Nissan Skylines and interested in the furtherance of the Objectives of the Club."
SAUNSW: "Membership of the Club shall be open to any person having an interest in Nissan Skylines and interested in the furtherance of the Objectives of the Club."
SAUQLD: "Q. Do I have to drive a skyline to join?
A. No. We do however like to see a healthy enthusiasm for Skylines, Stageas, Cefiros and other Nissan imports! Please remember though that as a Nissan Skyline Club there will be on occasion "Skyline Only" events, for example the Skyline Charity Cruise at the end of the year, where only eligible vehicles will be invited to attend (eg. any vehicle must meet the 2 out of 3 rule: Nissan, Skyline, RB powered)."
dont see why we can't follow suit.