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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. You can park next to the posts that have little speakers, hang them inside the window, no battery required. I have currently have FM or AM in my car, so im stuck with drive in speakers.
  2. maybe, undecided. Most probably not, but if i rock up, itll be as a spectator.
  3. The Caltex on Port Wakefield road, Bolivar is a good place to meet, last stop to fill up and get food, etc.
  4. yeh yeh, that stuff, thanks pk
  5. I'd have to agree with that Andrew, the time is now to support Australian business like never before. "Australian made cars are the best" lol.
  6. Krishy would take most feral car, especially with the defect sticker
  7. Shane, the practise fee is $100 (or at least it was for 08, not sure if its changed too much) plus a temporary CAMS license if you don't already have one.
  8. wrap some heat wrap around your crossover pipe, that should keep the heat out.
  9. there was nothing about SAU, they just showed the page very quickly
  10. no none of that, they mentioned the well wishers comments are pouring in for Minh
  11. Yep! quick flash of the sau page and a quick flash of the original post from the thread
  12. first one, SA both in blue, no dot.
  13. do you have the ability to move threads Luke? or do you need to be a mod in the area your moving it to as well?
  14. http://dreamteamtalk.com/2009/03/10/hitler...-team-dilemmas/
  15. have a read. wow, i hate them even more. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/To...il-t263838.html
  16. start a shoe shine business, or a lemonade stand.
  17. about 3-4 coats, depends, give it light even coats until you think its ready.
  18. lol, awesome attitude.
  19. and if your not here to keep the ball rolling, theres the door.
  20. have a look int he cosmetics and styling section, theres a how to. I did mine,came out ok, wouldnt mind re-doing some parts. Go to Super Cheap and get 2 cans of "Desert Rose Metallic", pretty close to the stock colour.
  21. pics or ban. I bet your lying, and TAB has short odds on it. If you actually had one, you'd know that r33 never came as a "gtt"
  22. Yep i was thinking of that as a variation as well. Keen as to hear from Prank!
  23. err sure your on the right forum?
  24. hahaha
  25. "This just in, a Nissan Skyline R33 was found laying on its side next to a VL Commodore on Port Wakefield Road today. Witnesses said the VL provoked the R33, a scuffle ensued and they fought to the death" Driver comes home, devo, fkn 33, getting in fights again.
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