You can park next to the posts that have little speakers, hang them inside the window, no battery required. I have currently have FM or AM in my car, so im stuck with drive in speakers.
Shane, the practise fee is $100 (or at least it was for 08, not sure if its changed too much) plus a temporary CAMS license if you don't already have one.
have a look int he cosmetics and styling section, theres a how to. I did mine,came out ok, wouldnt mind re-doing some parts. Go to Super Cheap and get 2 cans of "Desert Rose Metallic", pretty close to the stock colour.
"This just in, a Nissan Skyline R33 was found laying on its side next to a VL Commodore on Port Wakefield Road today. Witnesses said the VL provoked the R33, a scuffle ensued and they fought to the death" Driver comes home, devo, fkn 33, getting in fights again.