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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. got one Normsta, thanks anyway mate.
  2. The membership fees will be appropriate to the costs of the club.
  3. well it was 6:00am and i was on my way to the shower.
  4. NOVA 91.9 this morning mentioned that they are shocked at another hoon driver crashing (red 32). However, they invited people from "the culture" (hoon) to ring up and say what is really going on. Didn't hear any callers however, anyone else hear?
  5. www.mallala.com/startyourengines CARS & KARTS PRACTICE INSTRUCTIONS For competition cars with a CAMS logbook, drivers must wear the same helmet, apparel & boots as required for racing. Non Competition drivers need a Helmet with AS1698 APPROVAL by CAMS, clothing (non synthetic) with full length sleeves and leg coverage. CAMS LICENCES MUST BE SHOWN AT ALL PRACTICE SESSIONS. The practice fee for 2008 is $100.00. * Nothing mentioned, am im pretty sure you dont need an extinguisher on practise days
  6. respect, bahahahahahaha to some people thats more important.
  7. Pretty sure Andrew knows
  8. thinking about this alot last night, im glad you have chosen the SAU:SA path Kel, im happy to help out but cant make the meeting. Pending Pranks approval of course, i think this can work. Regarding stickers, if we want to seperate outselves, i was thinking of something along the lines of: more refined of course, and maybe the S in "SA" in white.
  9. this thread is relevant to my interests.
  10. who can point me in the right direction, did a couple of searches to no avail. After info on LS1 coilpack setup on RB's, anyone know of a site or SAU link?
  11. There is a whole other world out there dude, sa section is like the earth in the universe.
  12. not according to the VIC Constitution. It states that only Skylines may enter, and any other car at the discretion of the director.
  13. Kelly, read what i said, for the club to work your going to have to charge people to join the club. This means that people who "sit behind their keyboards" aren't going to pay the fee, because they wont do anything club related.. see where im going with this? SAU SA is more of an advantage, you have victoria and NSW who can help us, and probably have some SA contacts for us, existing constitutions that they would be more than happy to lend, existing documents and templates etc.
  14. Someone will have to pay the money to join right? So people aren't going to pay the membership then not do anything club-related..
  15. but if someone is paying the money for membership, its in their best interest to utilize their investment and make it out to shows and track days.
  16. I agree Shan.
  17. well something practical and to the point, no offence but some of the others ones above put us on a pedastal with "seductive motorsports" and "MVP" etc
  18. but its same same, you can have the name as "Skyline owners club" and integrate Stageas into the constitution
  19. "Skyline Owners Club"
  20. If it isn't going to be a part of SAU, what advantages will it have over currently existing clubs, like NDCC and GSR/EVO?
  21. as long as reo isn't molestered and structural parts/chassis aren't "modified", yes.
  22. ^ -1, just trying to help.
  23. serious? lol. there is already a wasteland post and 2 threads about it
  24. some payment takes 2-3 working days to clear, so they might not receive your payment until monday/tuesday.
  25. lol, fmylife.com "Today, I asked my boyfriend of almost ten months who his top five women to have sex with would be. I was third. My mom was second. FML"
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