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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. Might as well grab some Motul Penny?
  2. my car is home if anyone wants to pop over and clay it, wash it again then polish it? depserately need a clay job, and a bonnet respray.
  3. tgif.
  4. seen it, hilarious Will Power and said surname, both need a change!
  5. Lenso D1R's, can get them from Wheelworx or Option 3 on ns.com. Yours is looking clean as!
  6. Were they Blitz or VS-KF's? or neither?
  7. One of these?
  8. Name fail. I would seriously change my name.
  9. Spotted Chef_Stagea last night in the Mawson Lakes shopping complex carpark, doing some dodgy out of the boot deals with a bloke in a white 34
  10. dang. MOAR! sauce? heres hoping it isnt Dans gf.
  11. pics or ban.
  12. I've created a general for sale thread for those items not suitable or easily posted. A few basic rules: * At all times use the template provided * No chit chat, use PM as a means of communication * No multiple postings * NO ALL CAPITALS * Be sure to *update* your post once the item is sold indicating so. Do not create another post. * Must be willing to allow pick-up of items *prevents scammers* * NO interstate sellers * MUST LIST A PRICE Failing to follow the above rules will see your posts and future posts within this thread disappear or possibly worse. smile.gif All SALE threads that are created within the SA section will be promptly deleted, This thread is the only place for selling items. Ignorance is no excuse. Posts will be deleted once they are 3 months old. Its up to you to repost the item if it has not sold within that time. I will prune 3month+ old posts on at the end of every month. Please do attach pictures as they help the item sell quicker.
  13. 5 cents, and ill take it.
  14. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/AAAA-New-World-Flag...1QQcmdZViewItem judging by the website, i can't tell if this is a serious ad or not? oh well, i made a best offer of $0.03, well see what happens.
  15. no chance, im waking up at that time
  16. This thread will be a 56k killer. I started my driving life in an TP magna, sub, hubcaps, cannon, fark that car was the bomb. Decided that jap was where it was at, and bought my S13 from Melbourne. Still on my P's at the time. Need moar height? I ended up getting lower springs for the front, that thing handled quite well for stock! Then i got a full time job, and decided to buy the love of my life. Got it through private sale, might have even been advertised on here, cant quite remember. then it evolved a bit:
  17. easy peasy then, south road, expressway, beach road, BP. ill still leave at 7, gives me some time to clean up a bit more at BP.
  18. id have a read of some, but im too scared to type "webcam review" in google at work..
  19. would do wonders for your clubs guy/girl ratio pete
  20. Crapture was bad for pat downs and hand held metal detection.
  21. cool, google maps shows a BP there so ill take it as that one. 1 Hour 19 Mins from my house, be there 8:15, ill leave at 7.
  22. just read a bit about KERS, seems an interesting concept, braking force is converted and stored as either mechanical or electrical energy, and can give out an extra 60kw boost for around 6-7 seconds.
  23. the BP in question, at Christies, is on the corner of beach road and which other road?
  24. Where abouts on North East Road? I must have just missed you, i hope it wasn't me, mind you my car is white.
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