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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. hmm, true. might paint it.
  2. thinking of getting my calipers, cam cover, valley cover, and cam gear cover off for powdercoating.
  3. wheelies, lulz.
  4. 1024mb in a gig.
  5. for some people its nothing, for some its heaps, depends what your doin Craig? you can download porn movies that run into the gigabytes per movie... or so i hear.
  6. lol shit stirrer, i got that in an sms years ago
  7. old but funny shiz.
  8. I say if you can match the colour of the nuts then doo eeeet! would look much better the same colour.
  9. question is, what do you think? if your gonna do it, are you gonna worry more about if SAU likes it, or if you like it?
  10. lol, taking NO part in your storm after the "exhaust for sale" campaign. my warns at 0 and id like it to stay that way
  11. raff out roud.
  12. slow day today. Ruby must be busy at work, same as Krishy, and Dan must be on another work field trip and scandy, sleeping? Easy day for the mods, nothing to read
  13. lool, stoopid ass! you didnt think to use one of the "non high-pressure" options, like spotless free rinse?
  14. for drift or daily if i ever made up my f**king mind about selling, id buy an s13 or 14 with an rb.
  15. so pics of ride andrew?
  16. why so serious? those lights look like they mean business. dont you mean, sick drift wing, bro?
  17. wanted to buy section?
  18. n/a? why supercharge your daily? Its supposed to be the cheap version of your weekender, lol.
  19. and if he was defected, for arguments sake, EBC and battery, regency regardless of battery legality.
  20. hmm, Andrew last, he's much angrier, id imagine it would hurt quite a bit. Heslo is third, especially if he pretties up just like at the fundraiser. Sled second, he's got a bit of money, can wine and dine me and make me feel all special. Dan_the_man first, he'd probably waste his time trying to give me "would you rather do A or B" "choose your own adventures", making my chances of escaping his clutches more and more likely. Nobody said i was gonna enjoy it.
  21. Chris is dodgy as all f**k, i wouldn't let him sell me a drinking straw, let alone housing pipe work
  22. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Mo...er-t258139.html A fantastic read, especially post #10, i lost my shit.
  23. what series is your 33? and did you get defected for anything else?
  24. to be honest, if i owned a V Spec II nur, i wouldnt give a shit what rims sau recommends
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