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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. sorry to go OT, but even on a stock turbo setup, is E85 recommended?
  2. for all of us getting stimulated by K Rudds package, what are we blowing it on?
  3. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/St...Co-t261066.html nice
  4. so who diagnosed a spun bearing then?
  5. lol im not living my whole life trying to catch you krishy Well done to all who entered, some big numbers!
  6. id love to be debt free, unfortunately im not lucky enough yet, but i can afford my car so im choosing to keep it!
  7. moar info.
  8. i can too, involves the sale of the 34 however. just couldn't part with her if i tried.
  9. haha yeah i know, at least his chrome rims are made in japan
  10. he had those rims on last dyno day.
  11. how can you tell that your chassis is twisting tho? Maybe you need a bit softer springs and front and rear swaybars?
  12. spotted a white r32 gts with SAU sticker on the back window, girl was driving.
  13. what exactly do u need a stiffer chassis for? Get a front strut brace, rear brace, and the brace that is mounted on the floor infront of the rear seats.
  14. isnt there a dedicated thread for that?
  15. bahahaha today tonight, a bloke they call the kiwi steve irwin, got bored with fishing, so now he jumps out of a helicopter onto marlin and tuna swimming by! funniest thing to watch.
  16. if all else fails, ill go with you.
  17. esshole
  18. now all you need is a skyline and your set.
  19. i know that with the newer coke bottle machines, the one with the conveyor belt, if u hold the flap closed and it doesnt push the coke out, it will drop another coke onto the belt then push both out. i saw a guy do it once http://www.spike.com/video/how-to-trick-coke/2862499
  20. bahaha, profit. We got a new vending machine at work, thought to myself, hmm, i fancy a kit kat. Put $1 in, registers on the screen, drops into the coin return, ok. Put $1 in again, $2 comes up on the screen, coin drops back into coin return, brilliant! Select kit kat, viola, paid $0 for my kit kat
  21. heres a can for the 50% plumb back option: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/UNIVERSAL-OIL-CATCH...A1%7C240%3A1318 3 in/outlets, removable top so you can pack it full of steel wool (in a stocking!)
  22. it wont pass if its pouring black smoke.
  23. Get them from Nissan.
  24. we should do an event at marksman indoor firing range! pretty cheap, group of 5 people comes under 100 bucks each. http://www.marksmans.com.au/indoor_pistol.html
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