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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. +1 Sez, even further out from us in Angle Vale etc, new estates there are REALLY nice with very generous sized blocks. North is on the way up yo.
  2. ^^ Guessing thats Nightcrawler!
  3. lol, conversation with JustCar "how can i help you?" "oh i installed an alarm in my car, just wanted to update you guys" "yep thats fine, anything else?"
  4. nah i need to sell them Krishy. they have $850 worth of awesome condish tyres on them so im only asking $450 for the rims? yeh they are in the main section, ive dropped to 1300.
  5. they are tainted i swear to god.
  6. bump $1300. Tyres are near new, the maxxis retail for aroun $225 each, so thats $550, plus the Wanlis are at about $150 each, so thats $850 for the tyres, $450 for the rims! not seperating in case you were wondering.
  7. only 12 spots left in the SAU AFL Fantasy Footy league! see sig. also, any (decent) offers for my wheels?
  8. haha no probs, i found that sifting through info on spring rates, im pretty sure all (well made) coilovers will have the specs stamped somewhere on them, otherwise the distributor wont know what they are selling, and the consumer wont know what they are buying!
  9. numbers stamped on the coilover? How do I tell what my spring rates are? Ground Control sells Eibach Race Springs (ERS) which are labelled by 3 different values in the following convention: length . diameter . spring rate. However, ERS will come labelled in either Metric (mm.mm.N/m) or English (inchx100.inchx100.lbs/inch) units. 180.64.61 is the same thing as 700.250.350. The conversion from Metric to English is (/.254, /.254, x5.7) "/" means "divide by", "x" means "multiply by". The math is simple. If K= Spring Rate, then K = (G(d/1000)^4) / (8Na(D/1000)^3), that will tell you your spring rate.
  10. lol no knock on wood krishy.
  11. you shouldve done this
  12. holy fark that sucks! hks coils?
  13. see Toyo Tyres pulled all sponsorship from DA? New owners are "Ninety Degree Entertainment". They were going to only have one championship round for the 09 series at Oran Park unless a naming rights sponsor was signed. Phew!
  14. can i chuck my pushbike on to see my leg power output? Hell, ill probably make more than the 34
  15. dont quote me on that, wait for the tech heads to pop up and correct me.
  16. just beat him with the cue stick.
  17. could be diff chatter?
  18. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Su...hl=spring+rates
  19. you dont want hard spring rates for street cars. You want something a bit softer with swaybars. Due to the undulated surfaces of Adelaide's roads, hard coilovers combined with fast driving wont provide the stable grip at all 4 corners you so sorely desire. Krishy is on the right track! I know that Nisskid and SLED know alot more about the physics of my argument.
  20. damn, expensive! Id want the seats still in plastic at that price.
  21. A SKIRT? AWESOME! ill be jeansing it, dont overdo it guys.
  22. Spotted a black 33 with kit and standard rims turning off gawler place onto grenfell, had sau url sticker on right rear quarter window.
  23. the lack of care extends from front fence to back fence Rogue I hate hayfever.
  24. well i just bowled 20 overs, and im f**ked. stiff as a board, and i got a 20-20 tournament tomorrow. woot.
  25. nope, Jelmer said to just ring and book with anyone.
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