I often see these white commodores with some type of blue and white decals down the side, they stick out quite a bit, anyone else had any experiences with said cars?
I would but i cant touch it anymore, a mod has to clean it out. You can't edit 10+min old posts. There are instructions on there saying "if you organise an event, please add it to this section" but i guess it hasn't worked.
imagine if this (not that it could, but i like to imagine) happened in Melb or Syd, all the bodies in the harbour and at the docklands in melbourne!! Mafia wars.
i suggest everyone cans the bullshit, your either gonna go or your not, personal feelings about the way Elle has organised the cruise don't have to be aired here.
excellent, thanks bats. so far we have a couple of dyno runs being thrown in by Graham West, Jun style kit for R33, and hoping to get more once the letters are finalised.