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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. crashing then making money off it, nice
  2. can you grab me a gtr copy while your there, oo and ask if they have boot and roof spoilers for 34's? thanks ruby
  3. rofl.
  4. gawler line is fine! must be from years of jim beam/victoria bitter being spilled on the track making it hard as nails
  5. mines locked up damn well, might give them a call later.
  6. best bet would be to ring around buddy. Boostworks 82990621 Southern Hi Tech 8277 4400 Graham West 8277 5688 Mildren Race Engineering 8443 8299 etc etc.
  7. so hes imported it for a total of 15k, and selling for double?
  8. For piece of mind, and price, id get at least 2 quotes.
  9. PETE! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Fs...R3-t253560.html
  10. YES!!! i did! everyone else thought i was crazy. It wasnt a big enough flash to be lightning tho.
  11. more and more shannons customers under 25....
  12. car loves winter, i love summer. dang.
  13. you cannot alter a numberplate in any way, be it cutting or bending, however ALOT of import owners do, simply so it can fit in the standard mounting position. I doubt regency will pick on that too much tho.
  14. holy shiz, 30k? i need to get myself on shannons. 4 years to go lol.
  15. its hot, keeping cool with air con/fan. thread end.
  16. or in the fridge. i stood at the fridge for ages last night, was soo cooooool
  17. but ring them and they will adjust your agreed value according to your modifications. hopefully. or weasel your way into shannons and they may do an inspection before they work out your agreed value.
  18. dude, thats good.... How are u getting a rating 1 straight up?
  19. reminds me of a cricket scene from comedy inc where the rangas are in the changeroom ready to bat, but no one wants to go outside in the sun, everytime ones goes out they leave a ball on middle then run back
  20. makes the thousands of drivers, import and otherwise, with aftermarket suspension think doesn't it? Not that it says anywhere that coilover suspension is a defectable item, as pete says below, adjustable is defectable, which covers 99% of aftermarket coils. edited, my bad
  21. isnt it nearly always the person behind you at fault? except for exceptional circumstances of course.
  22. so theoretically speaking, id i slam on the brakes and go up someones backside, and write my car off, they can deem my cover invalid because coilovers and aftermarket wheels may have contributed to increasing my braking distance?
  23. my alarm has a red led that doesnt flash very bright, even at night. any way i can run a bright secondary light to the corner of the windscreen?
  24. Thats nice.
  25. new threads "any cures for a dry ice burn?" "is it illegal?" "a cop burnt his hand on my cooler, now he is suing me"
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