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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. Pacific Islander, it enjoys playing rugby. Not sure what it is, just advertised as a fighting fish. looks like this, but marrone all over:
  2. I bought a fighting fish
  3. i do.
  4. yeah i spotted SLY 34 yesterday as well. Also spotted a very nice grey 4 door 34, low as, chick driving, turning onto Waterloo Cnr Rd.
  5. yeah im still waiting to hear from him, havent seen him active for a while.
  6. And another note, Nightcrawler promoted to Super Moderator! congrats all
  7. thats exactly what i meant
  8. +1. hope he doesnt read this
  9. oh sorry, i meant, dero loser.
  10. i hate that there are so many fags in this world, that a decent guy cant go to the shops without being disappointed with society.
  11. gobble gobble.
  12. The 3 as a Z is much more appealing.
  13. anyone know if anyone can come to your house to do a compression test? or does anyone wanna do me a favour located north east.
  14. Spotted a 4 door 34 with stock rims turning right behind jarvis ford.
  15. iron chef is your man, nuff sed.
  16. ouch, and he walks away? hes lucky hes not dead.
  17. If anything, evilness increases as age increases.
  18. its the internet steve, people read too much into everything. those two motivational posters were taken from another thread on sau.
  19. i like the joker from batman, but i dont condone his theiving and violence?
  20. wow sau just changed, always shows post #1 of the thread up the top! good idea imo.
  21. lol, its funny coz its pedobear. i dont agree with what he stands for however.
  22. and one for Dan
  23. is that ruby 5, cops 0?
  24. payment made, pm sent
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