i get to go through the work inbox til feb, yay. f**k i love reading spam emails
It is my first letter on English. Sorry, if I made some mistake in words. But I write you from my hand and don't use pre-written letters.
I am very glad, that you have become interested in me. And I shall try, that you were not disappointed with me and have learned as much as possible about me.
But I would like to learn you better too. I will ask you, write to me more about you in details.
My name Anna. I live in Ukraine, in city Kiev. I am 26 years old.
If you think, that I am not serious don't make mistake, and know me much more. I gave promise, that I will never married on Ukraine boy.
All of them lie and don't hold his word. Some man drink alcohol very much. May be I will tell you more about my past relation later.
But i don't like think about it, it was no good.
My family are not large. We live with my mother. My mother have good work as bookkeeper. We can pay for all life expenses.
And I will not ask you help me with money. I know many stories about it. If you will write to me more, you will understand, that I am not such girl!
I want write to you long letter with much ideas from me, but I think, It will not good for the first letter. I am simple Ukraine girl, who want to live abroad.
I want have husband and right family. I will try for this very much. I have very serious intention.
My uncle finds the wife in the Internet last year. He move to Australia and they have happy family.
And they will have child soon. He write to me letter every week.
I was glad for it very much. We want to meet some time soon. I have great opportunity move to Australia at the end of this year.
Don't want write about me and my hobby in first letter.
We can talk on the phone, if you will want it. I don't have own phone, but I can use one from my friend or I can use call servise on post.
I will glad, if we can chat on MSN. Please, send to me your phone number or MSN name, if you want contact with me from other way.
If You really interested in me, you can ask me about all.
I want ask you some question:
Do you have children? What are you doing at work? Did you have past relation, wife?
I hope, you can know some new things about me from this letter.
I will wait your letter and hope to receive news from you shortly.
Reply to my e-mail:
[email protected]
Good luck to us.: