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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. worst video, ever.
  2. ohh rainwater he says? good idea! water restrictions ftl. i use less water with a hose compared to using buckets
  3. Hey guys, im after an RB25DET R33 Turbo, either cheap in working condition or blown, only need the front housing. will pay for postage to SA. pm me. Thanks, Damo.
  4. personally, i think your paranoid.
  5. im guessing you could make your own cable? take alot of know-how tho
  6. yeah the GT-T guages sit back a bit, but its only the black insert in question, which looks the same gtr vs gtt
  7. here you go steve this will help I have the fc pro software and burnt it on a cd for him
  8. lol relax man. so he needs the pfc software, which he has, and the necessary pfc to laptop connection. any ideas where you get that from?
  9. then why didnt you just say that?
  10. then youll need the consult software
  11. WTB: R33 turbo front housing, blown or otherwise.
  12. you will need the pfc software and consult cable. my car has a port for the cable in the drivers side kick panel, not sure if 32's or whatever need a port made up. you can buy the consult cable for around $200
  13. spotted 2 wine red 33's today, one gave a huge wave, and i gave the nod to the other, sau sticker on rear quarter window and veilside wing.
  14. hey guys, unfortunately i wont be able to make it to Vilis tonight. If anyone wants theirs desperately, im happy to post, or you can pick them up from town next week. I should be at the Olds appreciation cruise as well. Thanks
  15. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/search.html&f=25
  16. thats your flux capacitor. i wouldnt open it, you might get radiation poisoning and end up like RADIOACTIVE MAAAAAAAAAN
  17. youll have to go interstate for that, try the forced induction section. what exactly are you using it for, you would probably require different setups for all out drag vs all out track.
  18. so who we got? Vu - white 33 Damo - white 34 Eddy - orange 32 Howie (tentative) - white 34 Vinnie - black 32 Jenkies - wine red 32 Nene - black stag Mitch - orange 33 Scandy - red 200 Cara - mostly white 34 Adrian - wine red 32 thats 10, makes for quite a decent display
  19. no probs. Vu, im in
  20. nah, he just has a big 'A' on his t shirt
  21. i agree Danny, Nankang and Toyo would have been two good tyres to test as well
  22. hey Crack, just to let you know, stand alone turbo timers and boost controllers are in fact defectable, as well as aftermarket BOV's (assuming you have one). Welcome to SAU
  23. vu dont be racist.
  24. taken from a VW forum: I know i know its going to end up with "they didn't do this, they didn't do that" etc etc. Take it for what it is... a tyre test on the day! Summarised results below, car used was a Renaultsport Clio 197, Michelin and Kuhmo didn't participate as they didn't make a tyre in the Clio's size and Yokohama declined to participate... wtf? This year they tested 8 road tyres and 4 semi-slick road legal tyres. I'll list all contenders for first test but cos i'm lazy i'm only putting the top three in each test. Test 1 - Dry Slalom 1. Bridgestone Potenza Adrenalin RE001 13.1s 2. Dunlop Sp Sport Maxx 13.2s 3. Maxxis Victra i-pro 13.3s 4. Pirelli P Zero Nero 13.3s 5. Federal 595 Evo 13.4s 6. Hankook Ventus V12 Evo 13.4s 7. Continental Sportcontact 3 13.5s 8. Goodyear Eagle F1 13.6s Semi-slicks 1. Bridgestone Potenza RE55 12.8s 2. Toyo Proxes R888 12.8s 3. Dunlop Direzza 03G 13.0s 4. Federal 595 RSR 13.3s Test 2 - Wet Slalom 1. B'stone Potenza 13.2s 2. Dunlop SP 13.5s =3. Continental Sport 3 13.6s =3. Goodyear F1 13.6s S/S 1. Toyo Proxes 13.8s 2. B'stone Potenza 14.1s 3. Dunlop Direzza 14.2s Test 3 - Dry Braking 1. B'stone Potenza 36.7m 2. Maxxis Victra 38.1m 3. Goodyear F1 38.3m S/S 1. Dunlop 34.2m 2. B'stone 34.4m 3. Toyo 34.7m Test 4 - Wet Braking 1. Goodyear F1 38.1m 2. Dunlop SP 39.4m 3. Pirelli 39.5m S/S 1. Federal 39.4 2. Dunlop 39.6m 3. Toyo 39.6m Test 5 - Lateral G Dry 1. Maxxis 1.01g =2 Pirelli 1.00g = Hankook = Federal =B'stone S/S 1. Dunlop 1.08g 2. B'stone 1.07g =3. Toyo 1.04g =Federal Test 6 - Lateral G Wet 1. Goodyear 1.04g =2. Hankook 0.96g = Dunlop = Contiental S/S 1. Dunlop 1.02g 2. B'stone 0.98g =3. Toyo 0.96g = Federal Test 7 - Lap times =1. Federal 39.9s =. Hankook 39.9s 3. Goodyear 40.0s S/S 1. B'stone 39.1s 2. Dunlop 39.1s 3. Federal 39.4 Test 8 - Apex Speeds 1. Pirelli 63.2kmh 2. Maxxis 63.1kmh 3. B'stone 62.4kmh S/S 1. Dunlop 66.7kmh 2. Federal 66.2kmh 3. B'stone 65.3kmh Overall scores 1. B'stone 2. Maxxis 3. Goodyear S/S 1. Dunlop 2. B'stone 3. Toyo Overall road tyre winner Bridgestone Potenza Adrenalin RE001, closely followed by the Maxxis Victra i-pro (which are also $324 cheaper for a set!). Overall semislick winner was Dunlop by some margin. Pretty good value out of the Bridgys as well, if you remove the dead last by some way Federals the Bridgys are third cheapest at $296/tyre... and you should be able to find em cheaper than that as well.
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