i hate receipts. i have to give you this shitty bit of paper back to prove to you that i bought it? you think i STOLE this 100 ltr fish tank? sorry officer, i slid it down the front of my pants and wandered out.
well actually, there have been 3 stabbings in the last 2 weeks....
Definately let us know (via pm) when your going through the hills, youll definately find plenty of interested people on here
i hate that this thread is going sour, stick away from religious conversations, each to their own. Before this thread becomes the 5th one locked within a week
IMO i think we should have both, Monthly/Annual SAU Cruises/Events and then privately organised Bunny/Stag cruises/events. Just have to be clear that the private cruises are just a meet up and drive, not labelled as an SAU sanctioned event.