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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. lol at this thread, taste is dependant on ones own thoughts of taste. If she wants a 34, so be it.
  2. lol this thread is going to fill up with people asking why their 31/2/3's are inadequate
  3. i would but i have cricket training on thursday nights. Im waiting for SLED, Nightcrawler and Luke ENR034 to post up, definately 34's you'd want to consider having
  4. wow. dude that is porn, i have such a soft spot for a hot s13 well done!
  5. Dang, if they had a Ken camera id snap it up
  6. thinking of getting this camera for christmas, can someone tell me if its any good? Nikon Coolpix P80 I basically want a decent camera that will take decent shots (like Vu's camera ), but isnt a SLR/DSLR, as im way too lazy to read up and learn about everything im doing.
  7. thats pretty good, considering some S13's, turbo, manual + few mods go for close to, if not that much.
  8. is there any evidence supporting it? Dont wanna crucify him over hearsay.
  9. memorable shots also go to adrian hitting glenn in the balls, and me hitting krish in the throat
  10. spotted a few over the weekend Matty towing that hot 31 shell in salisbury downs Blue R34 GTR on Mcintyre Rd i think it was Black 33 near Sferas with black centre /chrome dish front rims White 32 with the GTR badge on the left side of the boot, who tailgated me then sped down salis highway extension at 150k's White Stag with Spikes auto sticker on the back, was low as! Pretty sure it was at autosalon.
  11. the sprint and slide legs first was a favourite of mine
  12. that WAS you i saw turning onto salis highway with that on the back ^^ those wheels are unreal, better in real life!
  13. payment made Reference Damo R34 Thanks Flick! cant wait to get it!
  14. and your middle name is fullofshit
  15. that sucks to hear Danai
  16. Your car is very simliar to mine minus kit, id love to get a few pics with ya
  17. What an awesome day, easily the best $100 ive spent. Cheers Andrew for organising, and +1, sucks to be those who didnt come.
  18. dont you just love work safe porn?
  19. Sweet, thanks Craig. my pfc just came as a ecu and hc, so got a box and manual now too
  20. Mitch wanna grab the pfc handbook for me and give it to me tonight?
  21. this pretty much sums them up in one picture
  22. lol, i look forward to Ruby's daily R32 report
  23. the media will play it up because anything that is over 3.0L or has a turbo is a "high performance vehicle". The point is, dont be a dick on the road, theres a time and a place. and Steve, i dont think the responses were directed at the sad day part, i think it was the latter that was more shocking. Numerous statements in this thread have included "learn from others mistakes", and sadly this is what we need to take out of this story.
  24. ill be there for 8ish J-rod
  25. pretty flat out day, cant wait to finish work.
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