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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. dont they all look the same?
  2. err, yes?
  3. i say have the skylineSAUtralia logo, similar to the URL stickers but without the www. and .com.
  4. i cant wait to put a pellet between your sleepy eyes krishy
  5. omg its a sign... Seems like whenever there is a horrible car crash the driver survives most of the time, and one or more passengers are killed.
  6. geez you've been pushing a fair bit of crack Dan if you have that cash.
  7. We just had a big counselling session for all interested staff and students regarding the stabbings yesterday. I couldn't attend, but heard it was very emotional, and have ripped right through the sudanese community. We have a couple of the family of the victim and the accused studying here with us, it must have been hard to sit in the same room as a person whos family just killed your family.
  8. count me in spewing that i have to wait a month and a half to use it
  9. 2 stabbings in 2 days
  10. that would be Nene.
  11. A platoon of soldiers was marching north of Fallujah when they came upon an Iraqi terrorist, badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side of the road was an Australian soldier in a similar but less serious state. The soldier was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the Platoon Leader asked the injured Australian what had happened. The soldier reported, 'I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway here, and coming south was a heavily armed insurgent.' We saw each other and both took cover in the ditches along the road. I yelled to him that Saddam Hussein was a miserable, lowlife scum bag who got what he deserved. He yelled back that Kevin Rudd is a bureaucratic, Good-for-nothing, left wing labour dickhead who knows bugger all about running the country.' 'So I said that Osama Bin Ladin dresses and acts like a frigid, mean-spirited lesbian!' He retaliated by yelling, 'Oh yeah? Well, so does Julia Gillard !' And, there we were, in the middle of the road, laughing, shaking hands, when a bloody truck hit us.' AND IM SURE YOU GUYS HAVE SEEN THIS ONE From: Niresh Regmi Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:35 a.m. To: Kyle Doyle Subject: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008 Hi Kyle, Please provide a medical certificate stating a valid reason for your sick leave on Thursday 21st 2008. Thank You NIRESH REGMI Real Time Manager, Workforce Operations Ground Floor, 30 Ross Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037 T: +61 2 9009 1329 Extn:61329 F: + 61 2 9009 1734 W: www.aapt.com.au E: [email protected] This communication, including any attachments, is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not read it - please contact me immediately, destroy it, and do not copy or use any part of this communication or disclose anything about it. ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ From: Kyle Doyle Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:38 a.m. To: Niresh Regmi Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008 Niresh, 1 day leave absences do not require a medical certificate as stated in my contract, provided I have stated that I am on leave for medical reasons. Thanks Regards, Kyle Doyle Resolutions Expert - Technical ________________________________________________________________________________ _______ From: Niresh Regmi Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:39 a.m. To: Kyle Doyle Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008 Hi Kyle, Usually that is the case, as per your contract. However please note that leave during these occasions is only granted for genuine medical reasons. You line manager has determined that your leave was not due to medical reasons and as such we cannot grant leave on this occasion. NIRESH REGMI Real Time Manager, Workforce Operations Ground Floor, 30 Ross Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037 T: +61 2 9009 1329 Extn:61329 F: + 61 2 9009 1734 W: www.aapt.com.au E: [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ From: Kyle Doyle Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:43 a.m. To: Niresh Regmi Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008 Hi Niresh, My leave was due to medical reasons, so you cannot deny leave based on a line manager’s discretion, with no proof, please process leave as requested. Thanks Regards, Kyle Doyle Resolutions Expert - Technical ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ From: Niresh Regmi Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:50 a.m. To: Kyle Doyle Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008 Hi Kyle, I believe the proof that you are after is below NIRESH REGMI Real Time Manager, Workforce Operations Ground Floor, 30 Ross Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037 T: +61 2 9009 1329 Extn:61329 F: + 61 2 9009 1734 W: www.aapt.com.au E: [email protected]
  12. +1 Dave, im jealous! What power does that beast make? Onto to the left hand side HID tonight, can't wait
  13. spotted a black 33 and white 33 on hancock rd heading towards st agnes shopping centre. Black 33 looked clean!! White 33 was stock but still clean, female driver.
  14. Driving home from TTG, noticed a Caltex was 129.9 (St Agnes), then the caltex next to TTP was 117.9ish? Maybe they were slow with upping the price. Driving around with half a HID and half a halogen. You cant even see the light on the road from the halogen, the HID shits all over it, cant wait to install my other side. Recommended!
  15. +1 for the volks. Either that or paint the AVS's black or white, and slam the car down.
  16. Sorry to hear Craig.
  17. yeh not for one second am i justifying their behaviour, but their upbringing definately contributes to their attitude.
  18. I can agree that the teenagers are definately a handful, most of them probably had to fight for everything back in their own country so they dont know any other way.
  19. Craig, what your probably thinking does not apply to all of them. I have met and dealt with some successful, polite, well mannered Sudanese through work, and work with one actually. They are generally here beacuase their country has been torn apart by war, and come over on refugee visas. "Sudanese" is pretty incorrect at times, they tend to come from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, Congo, Uganda, Togo etc, rather than just from Sudan. Alot of them are here because they simply can't live safely in their own home.
  20. stood at the window of my office and watched the aftermath, ambo's and cops everywhere.
  21. no, but id like to
  22. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Rb...yno-t55845.html Thats probably a good place to start Rubes.
  23. 2871r!
  24. Really! I can vouch for him
  25. the more the merrier Batmaan.
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