I had yet another commodore wanker come flying up my ass the other night, this time on mcintyre rd, changed into left lane and he followed me, then floored it around me. wtf is their problem? it happens alot.
Spotted two Stags today, one on waterloo corner road, black, looked pretty clean.
Second parked at sferas, silver. Dude your return feed cooler sits too high!
Me and Chad are fans of it too
I spot skylines in the northern area quite a bit, but get a blank look when i wave, so i dont bother anymore. If your on here, wave and ill wave back
90% of people have opted to hold off on their original hoodie and wait for the new ones. Its fine if you want to receive your originals first. Ill be holding onto the blank hoodies until we are 100% with the new printing information and all of the costs has been organised. Thanks
just want to mention, if your organising an sau event, please put one post in the SAU Calendar thread in the stickies:
put the date, and the title, then the link underneath, eg:
"27/10/2008: Tupperware Party