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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. lol the fuse box is the first place u look when electrics dont work, but at least its sorted now.
  2. this will keep the kids entertained, no standard piece of paper can be folder more than 7 times
  3. What a day of news, an Aussie wins the Indie, Adelaide United goes to the top of the A league table, and a family is suing for being served shit in their sundae
  4. LOL, should be able to buff that out
  5. "In India, it is cheaper to have sex with a prostitute than it is to buy a condom" "Jack Nicholson was 37 when he found out that his sister was actually his mum" "The year on a vintage bottle of wine indicates the year the grapes were picked, not the year it was bottled"
  6. Zoo weekly pub ammo - 1001 useless facts FTW who wants some useless facts
  7. i suppose if the GTR was still in v8's, the holdens would be running a 6.0litre twin turbo setup of some kind
  8. imagine if the gtr was still included in the supercars race, like any of those bogan spec cars would keep up to mark skaife and jim richards in the R34 GTR N1
  9. lol, i have a 32gtr vspec II and a blitz ER34 drift car 1/10
  10. lol, the VORK's have stickers on them too
  11. V spec II's were never Aus delivered tho Steve
  12. MMmmMMmmM i know Pete will like this one http://www.j-spec.com.au/list/index.php?ID=13629
  13. Lol, not like you Craig
  14. few bubbles on the "0" sticker
  15. not really Penny, not many twisties down that way
  16. the JustJap.com website says they are out of Single RB JJR cam gears
  17. they really arent that heavy
  18. then give me an offer
  19. Snap! i had them come yesterday, thanks to coca cola and Nova, coz i won a competition
  20. i have had 1 interested person, and 1 person saying his friend is interested. I mean, they are china rims, but they are decent!!
  21. Geez, someone buy my rims already. $1200 if u want them, check the FS section.
  22. PRICE DROP $1300 $1200 with 4 perfect rims, ill do the powercoating and tyre swap for you. Sale ends sunday, be quick! Still for sale.
  23. ^^ Speak to Cubes, theres nothing he doesn't know about e85 I guess he feels that its going to be hotter, which will thin the oil out more
  24. oh well, 3kw is as much power as a sneeze, not much difference
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