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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. gay. next sunday it is. no, golf!!! gay.
  2. yeah im fairly sure i've heard 8100 is good for 10,000k's grab me some today and ill fix you up on sunday when i come over to do my oil change
  3. ^^ http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Vi...-N-t241420.html well i was a good boy and used the search button, found some good info on oils http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Go...ils-t22458.html Gonna go buy some Motul 4100 10w40 on the weekend.
  4. What time do ya reckon u will be leaving Lukey? Might give you guys a ring at about 10 to see where you are.
  5. lol Thats gotta suck. Love how animated everyone is!
  6. spotted a black 34 on bolivar rd at 7:45 tonight, only caught a glimpse, looked good!!
  7. i like a few stops, but quick ones.
  8. told ya it was easy to find
  9. i think the rims need to change, like just a basic 5 spoke design, its the only thing i dont like with it
  10. is this thread still around?
  11. depends if its imported tho Krishy, SGIC wouldn't cover my N/A S13.
  12. just car insurance Wait, did you just not get insured?
  13. what happens with that? do they send him home with that or do they let him clean up there?
  14. dont tell me you wouldnt
  15. i have the prologue, ill play it tonight and let you know
  16. http://www.nova919.com.au/site/interact/casanovas.aspx Lisen and Leonie came. Lisen is pretty good.
  17. nah didnt get a chance to speak on air
  18. yeah thats us 4 huge platters of gourmet wraps and like 100 cans of coke! Love winning stuff
  19. lol, can of worms here Krishy, basically it doesnt matter if your car gets too 100 in 3 seconds or 10 seconds, its the driver behind the wheel who presses the accelerator.
  20. Kietz do you run around the house pretend drifting and shouting out vroomzsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu tud du du du duuuuuuduuu chhhhhhhhhhh
  21. lol, love chain letters, ive received this emial like 4 times from panic stricken friends and relatives
  22. ive got the normal Cooling Pro kit, happy with mine! Bought it just before the stealth kit was released. Nova gets here in an hour! woo!
  23. Cruise for a cause is on Sunday
  24. ahh he finally goes 5 stud Well if any of you 5 stud kids want rims, i got some for sale
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