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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. could be interested in shift knob
  2. craig, am i still painting ur shizz?
  3. I know the noise well Jack, i have been hit head on before and have seen a Suzuki get hit side on and roll over in front of me, scary stuff.
  4. state vs state dyno comp? tell me more?
  5. they would have to be race/rally only. should i buy a hand controller for my power fc before i worry about installation and tuning?
  6. wheres the pic of my car angerman or was that Min's camera? I got a lil loose on the exit from Vilis, sorry about that guys, i haven't driven it properly in a while
  7. Kellies cruises and the police have a good history Julz, i wouldn't be worried at all, unless it is very obviously defectable
  8. Yeah mate it is simply for a calendar, that's it. Will be similar to how the organised states have their club calendar, but if your in a hurry and don't wanna search through the SA section you can refer to the link as to what event is coming up.
  9. Calendar of events New events will only be added if you PM a moderator 4/10/2008 - Kadina Show n Shine - cruise to Kadina http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ka...ne-t233623.html Damo’s 21st cruise – date to be confirmed http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Da...ui-t232860.html 18/10/2008: PGASA Dyno competition at Graham West Workshop http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Pg...ml&hl=pgasa 19/10/2008: Small Car Sunday http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sm...-S-t236730.html 26/10/2008: Cruise for a cause 4 (cruise/shownshine/bbq) http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Cr...-4-t236406.html 31/10/2008: Vili's - EOI for Melbourne Trip http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sa...-2-t232704.html 16/11/2008: Paintballing http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Eo...ay-t232346.html 22/11/2008: Import vs Domestic Dyno Comp http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Do...ay-t230948.html 29/11/2008: SAU Christmas Party at Bonython Park http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sk...ly-t235518.html 10/1/2009: SAU annual Schutzenfest meet-up/drinkathon 26/01/2009: SAU Trip to Melbourne http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sa...-2-t232704.html 22/02/2009 Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 1 NDCC Monarto Multi Club 14/03/2009: PGASA Interclub Dyno Day http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Pg...ay-t248613.html 28/03/2009: Old School, New Age Show n Shine http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sc...ow-t257457.html 26/04/2009: Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 2 MMCC Monarto Multi Club For Motorkhana info, visit http://www.nissandatsuncarclubsa.com/events.htm 12/07/2009: Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 3 MGCC Monarto Multi Club 26/07/2009: Motorkhana Skills Enhancement Day MkAP Big W, Monarto Multi Club 15/08/2009: Annual Driving Course Trackday Link 30/08/2009: Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 4 SDCC Monarto Multi Club 11/09/2009: SAU:SA Inaugural Dinner Link 13/09/2009: Motorkhana, SA State Championship + Interteams MkAP Monarto Multi Club
  10. oh yeah thats right
  11. +1 Lets not make this earlier coz southern hi tech dyno open day is on until 2:30 that day
  12. MODS: I think we should have a sticky thread that has all the events in one location, not the information but just what event is happening on what date. Saves people missing events because they are sprawled all over the SA page and in the events section. just my 8 yen.
  13. or: 29/08/2008: Vili's 7pm 05/09/2008: Go-Karting 8pm 06/09/2008: Southern Hi Tech Dyno open day, free BBQ 06/09/2008: Cruise 6pm 26/09/2008: SAU Dinner at Hackney Hotel then Bowling 11/10/2008: Cruise (for my 21st ) 18/10/2008: PGASA Dyno competition at Graham West Workshop 31/10/2008: Vili's - EOI for Australia Day long weekend SAU Melbourne Trip XX/11/2008: Paintballing 26/01/2009: SAU Trip to Melbourne hope i havent forgotten anything
  14. lol that could be sneaky1 dan, who is reading this thread atm yeh the soccer ad is gay
  15. don't bother blurring plates, theres no point really. and i think you will find no one will care too much, as long as they can get a copy of the photo geez ill have to wash my car now
  16. saw a 4 door grey 33 on pt wakefield road last night heading towards the city, then another one (both the same but different!) on the same road but heading towards pt wakefield.
  17. i did a quick visual representation of Ted's fetish
  18. lol none of us know what you look like either hmm, 2000posts
  19. lol geez Kel shes just asking if people wanna go
  20. lol, Ted feeds on responses to that fishing line he hangs out, and unfortunately too many people grab that bait.
  21. lol Kellie don't worry about Ted, he's like that annoying little brother that you can't do anything about. The rule of thumb is not to take notice
  22. Elise, just to clarify, are you talking about general meets, cruises and events? Or club affiliated track events as well? If it is general stuff, then SA is definately hitting back in that department, over the next 3ish months there are heaps of events to attend such as go-karting, paintball, dinners, cruises etc. There should be another SAU hoodies/jackets group buy soon as well.
  23. lol shes way too young for you Ruby
  24. edited. Italics remember Ted!
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