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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. and some of us are going to the ramsgate, haha. Looks mice Mitch, I'd change the rims personally, but im sure that's on your long list of modifications
  2. lol, miss popular
  3. haha, you just wanna check out the chicks, dont lie Adrian and Scotty know im a huge fan of cold sandwich steak smothered in butter, with crushed nacho cheese doritos and tomoato sauce. mmmmmm, now thats tasty
  4. you know what im eating? TINY TEDDIES WITH CHOCOLATE COATING!!!! mmmmm
  5. My Fairy BREAD is awesome
  6. lol, plus+ 1 !!!!1!!!1111!!1!11one!111one
  7. Lol, the mag is an aussie boobs sports and cars mag, it attracts that audience Ruby, Sau went on holiday
  8. Incorrect, if i went from a 32 to a 33, you'd say "nice upgrade". She has downgraded in years, theres no argument about it.
  9. lol, this is SAU. alot of people are keen, 30% will show, Flicks dinner being the exception!! Ill come, but wtf is a carrot waxer? confuzzled. Sorry but i can't help myself: For those who are unaware of last years trip, you might wanna post up everything in detail if you want to attract definate interest
  10. I suggest you get everyone to pay up at this Vili's meeting, you will need sufficient time to plan for the bbq
  11. hahaha. id go cf bonnet but its not exactly cop friendly Heslo has had problems with his.
  12. lol go for it, im not organising it
  13. wow, looks so nice. I think mum and Dad are keen on planning an O/S trip, i will definately mention Vanuatu!
  14. well i was thinking christmas piss up...
  15. lol don't worry Nene, just people being impatient whingers
  16. geez, another white GT-T. you got any other colours in stock Chef? I wanna swap lol
  17. even the CA18DET has seen some big numbers pulled on the dyno.
  18. I was just thinking, if we have an SAU christmas dinner, we had better start thinking about bookings. Id do it but im doing my work one atm, and that's even doing my head in! Anyone keen?
  19. WTB: 1 PS3 Wireless Sixaxis or Dual Shock controller. Preferably new or great condition. Pay up to about $70ish i guess, let me know what you want and we can talk. Pm me or msg 0433 359 033
  20. Voted another 20ish times, probably 100 votes all up form me now haha
  21. nah, that time of the month. I was just saying, S15's are quite good looking cars, i reckon get one and throw an RB25 in it
  22. yeah had normal plates Ben. Looks good! Rhys, i don't frequent Christies beach area, ever, so it wasn't me. I've driven my car twice briedfly since autosalon, im keen for a good boost.
  23. whats wrong with S15's? i couldn't decide between S15 and R34, then i found the right car at the right price.
  24. its a downgrade in model, theres no denying that. So for you 33 haters, SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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