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Everything posted by Damo_R34

  1. Well i have a white 34, but its onlt GT-T. My offer is there.
  2. Happy Birthday! Today's Birthdays 25 members are celebrating their birthday today Shell(99), Grey skys(27), gez(30), jv(39), bbenny(27), PHAT-AS(26), MissGTR32(35), legend118(22), rxvii(29), Gez09(30), LINER(24), cds(42), nealr32(25), michaelfiggau(52), ParaTrooper(27), tazsgtr(42), sir 33, UL11KE_180(23), whitetrash(25), bombastic(24), Nismo_God(23), bored33(24), FLY12N(23), BNR32_switzerland(24), R32Fanatic(19) Im bored
  3. sounds like your getting fuel cut. may be best to upgrade the fuel pump sooner rather than later.. but i may be wrong, i dont know a real lot
  4. For Sale: Pioneer Double DIN Jap Spec stereo, only goes to 89.9FM, comes in pretty decent condition with all wires. located in Adelaide Northern suburbs, looking for about 70 bucks or a single DIN r34 pocket and 50 bucks! 0433359033 Cheers
  5. Cheers Luke. just upgraded head unit from double to single din, and i want flip down din pocket so i can hide turbo timer and EBC
  6. The stock DIN pockets in R34's, do they have the flip down cover on them?
  7. nah i mean when u posted, u quoted a post that isnt even from this thread or is my computer just farked?
  8. wow. speechless, your run of bad luck HAS to be over now.
  9. JB are ok better than strath.... seriously go see either Ric Auto Perfection >>Auto Perfection<< tell him Steve from skylines australia sent you get tint and install for a GREAT price or John Marvey Tech 0405 702292 next to morepowa im confused :S how does that post relate to the quote lol.
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Death to fence posts.
  11. Hey guys. Just upgraded from a Pioneer Carrozeria jap spec double din cd player to a new pioneer single din head unit. The previous head unit wasn't connected to an aerial wire, but had the output wire from the head unit. do i have to buy an internal type aerial so i can listen to radio? i just want fresh fm Thanks
  12. Wanted: Nissan Consult Interface cable and software for laptop. Probably pay up to $50. PM me if you can help
  13. GT autosound http://www.gtautosound.com/
  14. well you wont need 2 subs unless your entering comps. get one decent 12 inch sub and one very decent amp, should be more than enough
  15. well selling sausages for more money for the club to do whatever it does with its money. or, have a sausage sizzle, so we can fundraise for a big free sausage sizzle
  16. Have an SAU bbq at your house, the "rad33 turbo install day", we can pay for sausages and shit for fundraising! haha.
  17. LOL thats primary school vietnamese 101. first thing you learn from the other vietnamese kids but awesome exhaust man!!
  18. haha, gang of 49 aint no match for Niko Bellic.
  19. Ahhhhh far out, hate hearing this shiz. Your car was incredibly clean, i was in the smasa display with you. Oh well, sad to hear, but moving on to bigger and better!!!
  20. Ditto. been itching to crank out my new digital camera!
  21. Its an SAU cruise man. Ted is an exception to the rule tho Shoot me a PM, will probably come!!
  22. Yeah its like saying ALL skyline drivers are hoons.......... Sounds more and more like Grand Theft Auto IV lol. At least you can lock on to your target
  23. Spotted a low, kitted, silver 32 at the plaza last night. Sounded awesome!
  24. Thanks heasp for the info. should have pics up on sunday when its done!!!
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