if you are prepared to play the waiting game for a nice import with books, and shows squeaky clean results after various inspections, and you are prepared to pay a bit extra for the luxury, then theres nothing wrong with going through Sinergy.
Mind you, im sure some who have bought a car just from pictures and words will tell you its the best decision they have ever made. And it makes complete sense to go through the Iron Chef.
I havent been to Wet n Wild, but the slides at Waterbom are still pretty good. Go onto www.waterbom-bali.com and check out the "Boomerang", another sweet slide.
we are in the middle of swapping plans to bigpond 25gb plan (from a lower gb cap bigpond plan). Is it normal to experience dial-up like speeds during transfer?
thanks matty, definitely good to be home. never been OS before, bit of culture shock for the first couple of days, but when you get used to the 32+ degrees and stupidly close to 100% humidity, its alright. stayed for 10 nights, just enough time to make me enjoy coming home.
Most of the people who have had this situation on this forum just come straight on and say "Ohh those flamin mongrels at XYZ performance f**ked me engine, what do i do"
Well done
sucks to hear
I guess the easiest fix would be to buy a new 26 long motor and drop that in so the car at least runs, and keep the blown engine for rebuild!