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Everything posted by 08r3308

  1. there's one more hose that goes to turbo for water cooling ,you really have to look hard to see it but its there , this could be the issue.
  2. all good im glad this is out of way feel sorry for people that have to change the core
  3. in excellent condition with no marks around edge of glass
  4. all done now it blows cold air even on hot setting i run diagnostics on ac unit all good , i did put in new coolant so maybe until it flows thru?
  5. can this be done without degasing aircon or it has to be done?
  6. I need one asap for r33 gtst , syd if possible
  7. I need one asap for r33 gtst , syd if possible
  8. Are r33 same as 300zx? Do i need tt one or na? What i need to bypass core until i get a new one. Thanx
  9. I posted off my phone and there was an error. So yeah very talented
  10. No i use xcess 5-40 for a while now. Car loves it
  11. No i use xcess 5-40 for a while now. Car loves it
  12. No i use xcess 5-40 for a while now. Car loves it
  13. i found bendix general ct chews thru rotors for some reason , so next time i might try qfm
  14. come on mods approve tutorial was it hard to do? parts needed? any overall difference other than pshhhh?
  15. Wish my prob is fuel cap hehe
  16. Check my cold start post
  17. I think as central coast person stated leak will not be visable , as injectors themself crack and develop a leak inside fuel rail, which you can see or smell.
  18. reset ecu few times no help, and no petrol smell. Looks like i have to look into taking fuel rail and testing injectors for any leaks.
  19. Not sure how to clean that. Just degrease? And yeah getting to it is going to be a mission.
  20. Maybe i should try different ecu? I tried aircon and it kicks in revs go up
  21. Hmm not sure . Is aac valve allways adjusting idle? If i unplug it while car runs nothing changes
  22. 52mm here as well fits fine with shroud
  23. But if they leaking do they leak at injectors? Or orings? If injectors wouldnt it mean i need new injectors
  24. Did this happen to your car too? So actuall injectors not orings
  25. Could it be fuel pump? Are you mech or just know someone that does fuel injector cleaning. Yes im in sydney
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