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Carbon 34

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Everything posted by Carbon 34

  1. high tide yesterday, shot looking toward the port
  2. that and a dollar coin will get you a few min at the car wash to wash your penis dave...the one that counts is the "666" post ...lol
  3. its a chevy impala, caprice model,,,, which means its prob a ex cop car from states auctions , land barge shite box with 5.7 liter engine and a boot big enough to hold a boat load of illegal immigrants ,golf clubs, and a big tool box for when it breaks down....oh and 5 liters of oil....it leaks it so fast you dont need to change it...haha
  4. a compression tester ? if its a built engine, or you can calculate compression based upon measurements,bore,cc of cyl head etc if the motor isnt built yet
  5. dont worry roo, i teased her already for it..lol bogans in a ford , drooled for 5 min at least , they had to go out of there way to stop then two car loads of kids on the beach
  6. thats abe from dinga
  7. its about the sat night booze up, more then the show , but either way should be fun times
  8. yes please.... a room for me cheers
  9. mine wont run for crap on v powa and lately it hates BP on beach road fuel too, bad batch maybe???
  10. a few more happy snaps
  11. something like this ??? super hi rez will be posted tomorrow night, link to follow
  12. yep spotted cara most of the arvo, and a white r33 on esply in dinga, got a wave? red 31, and another 31 two door with bonnet up, kmart auto????WTF who lets them fix cars? dont forget all the on lookers drooling today cara ..lol
  13. pretty sure the surf club runs behind the reef, which is damn near flat/choppy to less then a meter surf unless its stormy, then expect 1-3 meter waves depending on tides. i have photos of surf breaking on the jetty during a storm with waves about 4-5 meters up I'll pm you a photo later today from past, and one from today.. I'm heading past it today..lol
  14. nope, not out this friday, but MOB the following weekend (24th) and some Pie after maybe ?????
  15. you can get a similar program for free, stable and runs on just about anything http://www.gimp.org/ don't under estimate the Free GNU software they use it for Major Movies already and its considered professional grade POST WHORE TODAY..lol
  16. Highly recommend this one Damo, I have a older hard copy of it. comes in handy http://www.photoshopforphotographers.com/
  17. Damo I have all the DVD training disks for all the main graphics/3D/Audio/Animation/Web programs , Adobe, 3D studio, Corel, and about 100 others .. Lynda.com and few from my good friends at Adobe USA...lol and a few dozen books at least here in OZ on software training and a full versions of the said software ...Legal ones in my name if you PM me I can bring you said goodies at MOB meet or ?
  18. How do we know who is even interested in being a committee member ? and what positions they would be keen for ? (sorry if I missed something discussed at MOB meet) I'll join tomorrow pending info above Ruby and will be at MOB the 24th and sorry to see you stealing damo's sig... the photo was created by Studio 360/forged ....naughty copyright pirates...lol
  19. looks like it doesnt it,, but I have 3 rolls of it on my benchtop now... and a good supply of it in the future now
  20. who needs passengers......lol http://blog.cardomain.com/2009/05/11/hardcore-honda-z600/
  21. R35 GTR with a few goodies http://www.cardomain.com/ride/3165961 yeah but he still wins for heaps of chicks damo
  22. gay spec car but damn it attracts hot chicks,, see photos http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2650020 makes me want to buy a honda s2000 warning , not work safe http://memimage.cardomain.com/ride_images/...0020_medium.jpg
  23. oh this is a hot ride of the future, R34 for sale for this one http://www.cardomain.com/ride/567996 or this one
  24. omfg I think I wee'd from laughing so farking hard ,, Good find Damo^
  25. LOL better get the drip looked at???? TOO FAR!!!
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