Pete dont be afraid of a minor cut from a pro product (not kitten paste of old your paint it wont kill it. a good detailer will normally have a paint thickness gauge to test it before cutting ? just looking at it it needs a mild cut on the bonnet/nose, to remove the swirls/haze and spiderwebs . your car looks pretty good but could be like "glass" with ease. the megs m105 I used with a buffer on mine, to remove the same issues only a bit worse. the stuff works miracles, and isnt like a heavy cut like you would find from someone elses product. its lubricated and gets finer while cutting not hard and scratchy, not harsher as it drys. if you want to ask Mike Phillips from Megs USA anything even if its about other companies products he answers within 24hrs normally. a fantastic resource. the guys in america are used to detailing a lot of hi end cars. a lot more then we could even imagine in oz.
and remember a lot of the hi end supercars dont use the same paint systems as jap cars. you get what you pay for in the paint department when it comes to those cars versus a jap daily driver? a lot of those paints are super hard ... and Ive never seen a polish on a car last a year from anyone .. even a show car sitting in the shed needs it a few times a year, my step dad used to have a lot of show cars trailer queens, he used a product on them called "Liquid glass" and it worked really really good. not sure if you can even get it here, maybe online. it looked like wet glass after a few treatments. Id say you could prob order it from eastwood company in USA. they have all the fancy car toys ,tools etc. great company even the guys here recommend them for special stuff.
warning to others in this thread dont use a buffer unless you know how to use it, a 25 dollar orbital buffer works just as quick as a 400 dollar porter cable one in destroying paintjobs
a lot of product arent used with buffers, or a dual action buffer
oh and the plastic polishing stuff I've used on airplanes before and it works a treat on supra,skyline headlights should be able to find it in town, its used to polish windshields and windows on planes, you can do your own its not hard just go slow.
just watch out not all plastic is just plexiglass, some is lexan, ABS etc. and will haze up if done with the wrong product. the megs plastX doesnt work on headlights for shit. in comparison to the aircraft stuff.
read about eveything you can imagine detailing here, a better resource then the oz forum for megs. more info and better response direct from the source
in case people didnt know Megs was purchased by the 3M group recently, they make a lot of the paint products, and paints used in automotive and aircraft anyways. and about eveything else
in the states I used Zymoil products on my black car, but let me tell you the cost is crazy and i really dont its all that good compared to the hype. didnt last any longer then the 30 buck stuff. from megs