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Carbon 34

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Everything posted by Carbon 34

  1. Gps tracking is worldwide steve And the viper remote is in use here now, autobarn sels it Watch for legality of viper remote start function not 100% if its adr approved yet Gps is legal in the freeworld and used everyday The gps your thinking of is the lojack which is usa only
  2. You can buy stick on magnetic gps as well , not any bigger then small phone , not perm But usable still snd under a hundred on ebay Gps good ones Has external 3g and sat antenna Battery backup Programing features Trigger for alarms etc Small but has heatsink chassis Update from usb or pc at min Geofence Speed alert And it must use a standard sim card for phones on the right freq for your carrier , australia uses a few different freq for carriers ( not compatable with usa equipment ) telstra is a good choice for sim cards fhey have the most towers but of course they cost more prepaid you could buy a plan of just sms ? If your serious and dont want it to expire when needed most ?
  3. The ebay gps car trackers last time i checked cost 199 free shipping easy to install but you must hide in a secure place not right behind the alarm lol another option is not a pc , old iphone or sim smart phone ,hard wired and buried in car , plus you can bluetooth the music and video to a lot of radios bonus , on standby it has a battery backup that could last days or even a week depending on the settings A strobe mounted in the cluster and under the car in tranny tunnel or cradle and nobody will take te car , too hard or get at or your blind seeing dots Iohone you could facetime the crims to say hello , a iphone 4 you can move the tiny camera to cluster facing crim by extending the wires on the plug , the camera module is as big as your pinky finger nail in size and the camera hole is tiny so it would be hard to notice You can get the viper / python/ clifford/ autopage and other brands smart phone gps tracking but they charge a fee yearly and the gps module is 350 plus install
  4. Not to single you out big fella but never tell anyone your security situation not even Best mates , now crims can prepare to get past your protection with ease If crims keep getting surpises they tend to move on to easier pickings A multi layer security is best and even better if they get scared away before anything happens So you may want to add another layer suprise now just cause its gone global ?
  5. Photo of it? I know a few people who drive adelaide at all hours of day ( tow truck drivers)who can keep a look out ? And i drive that area a fair bit hope you get in back in one peice not to rub salt in the wounds cause i would string them up by left nut if i caught em Funny enough I Heard alarms and dogs barking about the same time this morning and i had a commo vr vs in white stalking my house area for weeks on and off , i had the rego written down somewhere cause i thought the police should visit them if it continued Did the alarm go off ? Was it on street or front yard ? Or garaged ? Just curious how they walked off so easy with it You know sapol will defect it for drift pipes and smoked headlights now ? Here is a saying " just because you can doesnt mean you should" i love the sound and smoked lights but know better Loud pipes, big sub booming is like a pied piper for crims , i learned the hard way a long time ago for the same reason not to bass where you park or attract with loud pipes Full cover insurance !!!! Before anyone does a lot of mods , buy gps tracking and use it , less then 250 bucks and a bit of phone credit and you can stop crims anywhere in the world that has phone or internet service You can shut the car down from your phone by a simply sms , it tells you in very detailed info about the speed, location etc of the car so you can shut it down next time it stops or is moving slow You could cause it to throw on traction control or strobe lights etc , or even video the driver live !! Im not trying to be a dick to you just tired of car theft in this town/ country its insane for the amount of population here Best of luck will keep eyes out , chuck up a photo
  6. Its a bit of a dodgy fix but works You need to drain the radiator down below the leak if its the top tank Dry the area and wipe all around the alloy plastic joint ( prob were its leaking a common problem ) take the two brackets loose holding the radiator , sometimes the top hose has to come off , tip the radiator a tad so you can do both front and back of the tank Wipe the whole area of the top tank and alloy tabs with a wet metho rag let it dry It needs to be clean Take some channel lock pliers and a old towel to protect the teeth tearing into anything You need to flip the channel lock pliers so there upside down use the rag and your going to gently but firmly squeeze the alloy tabs a little at a time all the way around the radiator top tank, use care once it starts to bend it can go too far and break off or just leak worse , just work it slow and a few times around should be fine Then take black hi temp rtv on your finger and backfill the area completely around the alloy plastic top tank till the alloy and rtv silicone are about even You may want gloves rtv can give some people a rash ? , smooth the rtv with a water wet finger and wipe off messy areas , let it sit for a few hours depending on temp till its dry , pop on hose and put the two top brackets back on fill up the radiator burp the top and bottom hoses by squeezing them to get rid of air pockets a bit top up all the way and put cap on , turn the heater on hot and fan on low run the car till its up to temp while watching the radiator for leaks ? It should be fixed now ( my old r31 has been this way for 11 years now still perfect ) use proper coolant and dont mix brands except in emergency it will kill the alloy in less then a year If it still leaks or leaks somewhere else then a quick fix is from sprint auto parts , go in and Ask for silver solder radiator sealer , comes in a tube and is silver dust so beware , drain a bit of coolant down if needed add the dust to your radiator slowly , rinse it down with coolant or distilled water , wipe the radiator cap area off and put cap on let it run for about 15 min and it should seal just about any leak in the system including head gaskets , heater cores seeping , its always good to carry in your safety kit for the roadside Its the only one that works without fail , eggs can as well but thats mess haha the silver solder can be left in long term if required it doesnt seem to harm anything unless your radiator is completely blocked up Remember to do this with a cold engine to avoid a bath in boiling coolant in the face or trying to find your cap after it shoots into space lol good luck its pretty easy to do just watch those alloy tabs they break off easy once they start to bend ( very brittle ) Top up your overflow tank just above full and it will suck in the extra once the engine cools a few times , the heater must be one as well or you will get a air pocket and overheat the head Never run adelaide tap water in your car unless emergency , coolant or distilled only The heater should blow hot too if not you have a blockage in the hose or heater core and it needs a flush out at min
  7. Isc a trader here - ryan should be able to help Or grab a performance car mag , lots of people sell em , change your coolant ( flush ) and do your hoses at the same time Thermostat as well just to save chasing your tail doing it twice !! belts ? Is it due for big service timing belt etc just do it in one big hit to save labour time
  8. Best of luck with it , they have been around a while Made in china but look at it this way , they were made in mexico before So its better quality now R&D is still in usa if i remember right baltimore maryland
  9. Free or cheap as chips , rb25det NEO r34 alternator not r33 not the same config Gtr r34 alternator would work too Can be dead or alive and needs pulley still Must have a unbroken case Its for a project to benefit sau in the long run Pm me Cheers
  10. Watch out some automatic cars have trans coolers built into the radiator bottoms !! No idea which skylines except r31 do and watch out for sensors and places to put them on radiators , 33 have sensors 34 dont ISC radiator has the spot for one but not sure if its the right size or not I have a 34 radator but no sensor spot for 33 and its a 5 spd model , ( yes i know some of the auto rb engines use external coolers i use one for powersteering lol)
  11. Sorry that should say " remove the blue trigger wire" thin one , damn iphones
  12. If thats all you did for sure ? rca is pinched and grounded out or shorted now Or blue trigger wire is dead shorting to ground No other reasons unless your amp is wired to the cig lighter instead of battery lol god forbid , I have witnessed it before Remove all blue wire , tape it up Remove rca cables mark if needed for front rear etc , power up the deck is it blowning fuses still , yes ? You have other issues Oh and amp ground missing can do it or fried amp inside or shorted speaker wires but doubt that if you didnt unwire the whole amp ( check close for 1 strand of stray copper on connections to place wires on the amp power and speakers all it takes is 1 to blow a fuse ) No , plug rca cable in while powered up one plug at a time ( volume muted or all the way down cause you will get a loud squeal when plugging in) if one blows the fuse repair or replace that rca of find the pinch point , the plate for the fuel pump ??? Next pop the blue trigger wire back on the amp( thin one near power and ground except old hifonics amps and maybe a few others) If its still ok move amp back to mounting area , if that blows the fuse your grounding out or pinching a wire agaist metal That should get ya fixed if not its a freak of nature out of the blue issue unrelated to your fixes
  13. How much for the gtr wing ? Didnt see a price for it
  14. Do you stil have sunroof switch and the dome light around it ? How much to 5173 previous customer lol And both front wheel Abs sensors if intacted and fuse box cover under bonnet and fuses relays from box ? or complete box if the price is right Turbo heatshield ? stock one rubber trim off each door window outside part above door handles The little rubber bumpers under the boot lid 4 of them two long two short i think cheers
  15. Oh well its my brain bump of shite lol someday i should bag that poo instead of dumping in public Your welcome now you Decide if you want to go nuts a little at a time or just drop the budget down and get good quality sound still just about everything is made in china / asia except the above items but you can get some decent sound still If its installed right , if i get some time i might draw up some idea /plans / diagrams etc for people to get ideas and have a visual idea of what is involved , not brand specific either
  16. +1 Check the wheel thread as well , lots of info already collected for help
  17. Do they have any wire on them at all or markings for where some would connect? most cheaper gauges has some wire but not enough to go all the way , its normally 3 power ground and sensor wire but can vary You must have the engine senders for oil , water etc in most cases as they dont use the signal of your factory wires My answer is most likely if you have senders / adapters auto electrical can do it fairly easy Now if they take a sender like a defi gauge then most likely not without all the parts Have you googled saber gauges to see if they have info ? Arent they sold local at one of the chain auto stores ? CFR but i saw some local for sale autoburn or stupid heap Some older gauges or pro gauges are mechanical and only use wires for lighting ( not this case but for the readers info)
  18. More speakers doesnt make better sound ( unless its a THX theatre or concert ) The goal should be attention to detail in the install, quality drivers , lots of dynamic ( damping factor of 250 or more @ 4 ohms ) clean power , and possible time alignment with drivers and processors if required , tight fast bass from a 8 or 10" in a custom box designed for the car, driver and music source Some of the best systems use 5 speakers , 2 tweeters, 2 mids and single sub quality cables Clean amp power ( digital amps make bucket loads of power but not as clean as class A or A/B ) Audison bit one or ten processor ( digital in and out if you have the amp for it) Alpine imprint Audiocontrol a few others are decent but the ones above excel the speakers in most cases are imports ( voided warranty buying overseas in most cases) and lots of install costs ( local shops dont cut it Only top installers with skills and tools to do it right) dont drop the car off and expect it back the same week !! To do it right takes time dont rush em and set the rules ( cutting ok not ok , hidden system or show ? , music tastes , source ie mp3, dvd etc , $$$ you can spend on it ) and buy a great alarm/ immobilizer first !!! And insurance If you dont have those items already Remember some of those tweeters are 4 -5 inches or horns a foot acrosss and only fit umder dash or heavly modified locations Expect the best part of 5-10k +to buy and install all of it to perfection and at least a week of time solid in the end you will be amazed , its like someone washed the windows after a mud bog in comparison , and it will smoke anything from a factory twice over if done right In SQ comp you would grab trophies galore And it would rival a 20,000 + dollar home stereo easy
  19. Toyota land cruiser not nissan , bet its the new camry engine its tough engine when flogged Nissan would have spit a rod out My dad worked over in there for years and said they blow up a car and just leave it no matter how expensive it is , he had some photos of 911 just dumped on the road with sand dunes molding over it outside , and palaces with carboard box housing a block away in saudia arabia about 1990 crazy , no middle class at all , pretty sure thats changed a bit now ??
  20. Yes you can without set top box , you need a digital tv antenna( 200 bucks) plus install thru metal of car or some diversity tv antennas for digital works but not on small cars like a coupe only wagons , trucks etc , on the move digital tv is really hard to lock on to , i have it (i don't watch it while moving ) but you can listen to digital radio moving legally You could output to back seat and use the radio upfront still You also need a digital radio with digital tv ( most are analog or only digital radio still only a few exist) DAB-T and you can interface multiple screen from those units but i use a video amp/ multiscreen control You can watch 4 different sources to 4 different screens , be great in a wagon with kids lol and you have to deal with digital lock pixels , some places will block signal no matter what you use for antenna , hell even my home tv with a digital ready antenna locks up random for a split second ? Another option is in car pc Or ipad on 3g But anything is possible With enough $$$$ and skills
  21. Its most likely loose on the rod And only catches one way , or bad wiring between power lock actuator, relay pack Not mich else causes that issue on older cars
  22. Silver r32 4 dr black wheels ( nisskid ?? ) on esply in dinga Silver grey stag , always see it on esply Teal datto 510/1600 flying up the esply , heard the pssssst of the BOV so not stock lol , clean car be a shame to see it wrapped around a guard rail on a 50kph road
  23. the tps on nistune cars is insanely sensitive my tps was no kidding a pube hair off and the car would go nuts , ashley put his laptop on it and even he said it was mad sensitive( i set it by ear and feel after my carbon removal of throttle plate lol) , check your throttle manifold gasket mine was a tiny tiny leak and the car wouldnt run good enough to even drive 10kph it would stall slowly , hunt around and misfire unreal just on boost had to use blue rtv till my nissan gasket came from the moon 3 days to get one here ffs The tps can throw errors but its rare , once TB cleaned it was way off and i had to set by ear and feel till i had a laptop on it , the 34 manual has the voltage specs to test it This maybe a shot in the dark but reset your ecu i did and it cleared my other issue ( nistune ecu base program) and unplug and use electronics cleaner on tps and cas connection and some silicone spray once plugged back in to repel moisture i would seriously fix that T on the fuel reg a leak can run your motor lean - motor go boom in a flash and then you can pour the broken rings and melted piston out the r34 has a vacuum pickup in the back near brake hose vacuum? its rubber plugged from factory Your sure the TB blade backside is clean a tiny bit of carbon fouls the idle and it hunts around while the tps tries to sort it out ? if thats all good Air leak between manifold and afm , most likely behind the engine area near firewall ( the maf sensor on firewall area ) or near afm you cleaned the afm with maf cleaner and reset ecu ? checked the plug for corrosion ? oil film on hot wire and it all goes south ? your airfilter is clean ??? pcv clean or removed to catch can with feedback loop ? Plug gap set right ? clean ? And tight ? (Screw top plugs tight if that applies to yours ?) Low voltage at fuel pump ? common issue with upgrades , check grounds by pump If not then a bad spray pattern or clogged , leaky injector , dirty poor fuel ? fuel pump clog if the car has ever had e10 or e85 in it , it dislodges tank rust and eats rubber even in small doses CAS not sitting flat and tight or bad plug ? But that throws errors in most cases Did you change your tyre air as specified ? common problem hahaha And god forbid a timing belt flapping around on a broken idler pulley tensioner ( doubt it but they can break off and drop the belt !) that usually sorts it self out quick , leaves you stranded go see ashley tell him troy sent ya his shop is behind hungry jacks area in hackam off south rd
  24. Ashley at classic chassis and dyno in hackam , he has a Gtt so he knows them well Nice guys who go above and beyond to do it right not time clock watchers who punch out at 4:30 like a few ive run across But im pretty sure you will find the problem as above Unless your wiring harness is knackered , nissan is bad for that in out vintage of cars in this climate If the car is throwing codes even that can be a goose chase of intertwined ecu functions and not cut and dry fix. No codes thrown , my money is on idle control and throttleplate ( unless it has greddy manafold) The 34 O2 can be swapped with some wiring hack for another model , mine was shagged ,2 in 4 years , the r31 i just sand it back slap it in its lasted since car was new in 89 still the original one Still going strong
  25. OMG thats ghey but i would love to see the adelaide police face if you drove it around on a friday night haha , it would be priceless moment
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